The sequel to American Laser Game's original Mad Dog McCree, with pretty much the same gameplay and motion capture graphics. This PC conversion seems to have been tweaked a bit to be more stable than the original Mad Dog. There's also somewhat limited replay value as you can choose from 3 different guides for 3 different routes through the game.
Another in the series of slugfest games by American Laser Games is Space Pirates. While it resembles The Last Bounty Hunter and Drug Wars, it is science-fiction oriented and presents a space theme.
Another update in the Madden football series. New this time are some graphics and animations, including an animated coin toss and some player moves. New gameplay features are no-huddle offense and a stop clock play.
There are 28 teams from the '92-'93 season, two All Madden teams and 8 Greatest Ever teams. Game modes are the usual pre-season, regular season, sudden death and playoffs. A special playoff mode for the 8 greatest teams is also available.
The Incredible Machine is a puzzle game. You have to solve different puzzles by building the incredible machine. You have predefined quantity of given building blocks and you have to build the machine to finish a simple goal. There are many different building blocks like ropes, pulleys, electrical generators, bowling balls, cats, mice and many more. The levels usually have some fixed objects that cannot be moved by the player, so you have to arrange the given building blocks around the fixed items.
Terrifyingly brutal beasts! Monstrous mazes! Treacherous pits of evil! The adventure of a lifetime is here....Theron's Quest!!
The Monastery at Ya-Brodin has fallen to the Cult of Deaths and the Brotherhood of Enlightenment, the true keepers of Magic, have been slaughtered. The Seven Great Treasures now lie in the hands of foul beings who will stop at nothing to hold onto their massive powers. But Theron, with a courage beyond belief, has decided to seek out the Cult of Deaths and win back the Treasures. If he succeeds, he will become a High Lord. If not, the land will see eternal darkness.
After a briefing of the Gulf War situation, Agent George, a Top CIA agent, is being sent to the Middle East. Your mission is to save all oil refineries in the Gulf, and stop further production of CBW (Chemical and Biological Warfare) weapons. You are expected to engage in combat with Saddam and his men. To complete the mission, you must use every skill and determination to defeat Saddam. Remember, many lives are at stake.
Deep in the twilight of the Black Forest, you and your companions crouch before the robber-knight's tower. Hans, the alchemist, places his mysterious potion by the door. Ebhard the friar implores Saint Dunstan to bless your weapons and armor. And you and Gretchen grip naked long swords, praying your plate mail won't squeak.
After successfully fighting the evil forces trying to conquer Krynn, the supreme evil itself wishes to take over the fight. Once again, it's time to protect the land! As in the previous adventures, you need to build up your party, or import it from the previous game.
The gameplay in Dark Queen of Krynn remains similar to the first two games, although the opponents do get tougher. The biggest difference is in the graphics.
Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City is an MS-DOS computer game published in 1992 in North America by the now defunct company Megatech Software. This was the first hentai game released in English and proved to be very popular.
Thalion, the innovative developer of fantasy role playing games, presents Amberstar, the follow up to the successful epic Dragonflight. Part one of the Amber trilogy is set One thousand years ago, when the world of Lyramion was almost destroyed by a mortal man. A man who had combined his mortal being with a demon lord; Lord Tarbos, God of Chaos.
No one could match his power, until the twelve magicians, using the magical amberstar, cast a great spell, forever banishing Tarbos to the third moon of Lyramion. Now the black magus Marmion is trying to free Tarbos from his eternal prison, and has commenced the long ritual. No one realizes the great danger that threatens Lyramion, no one but you!
Travel through the world of the Amberstar, exploring the planet of Lyramion, and interacting with its inhabitants. Encounter fierce warriors, gruesome monsters, fabulous treasures and ingenious puzzles. Your intellect and ability will be tested to the full, in your quest for the fabled Amberstar.
In this RPG, you play the role of four heroes whose mission is to save their world, Kalynthia, from the evil arch mage Bronagh. Most of the time, while exploring the over world, the game is shown in a 2D top-down view. It gives you much freedom: there's more to do than just stick to the main quest. Towns have a static interface where you reach the wished location by pressing the according symbol. e.g. a church for healing up or a sage for hints.
During dungeon crawls the game switches to a 3D view and plays similar to Dungeon Master. As usual for this kind of games you see the dungeon in a small windows while your characters are shown on the right hand side of the screen. Dungeon sequences are completely in real-time. This includes combat which basically consists of clicking on a character's weapon or magic spell and then clicking on the monster. After every usage of a weapon/spell you have to wait a certain time until you can use it again.
Innocent dinosaurs have become mindless zombies, controlled by the evil Harry the Harrier and his alien Brain Blobs. But all is not lost. Wise-cracking Dexter the Dinodroid has managed to escape, bringing to Earth the incredible Time Machine. His goal: "Let's kick some brain!" Travel back in the Time Machine 200 million years. Locate each dinosaur before the Brain Blobs take control. Stop them from destroying unsuspecting humans in your hometown. Dexter will help you, along with the Time Machine's invaluable Dino Encyclopedia containing everything you need to know to save the planet.
Bargon Attack is an adaption of a French cartoon of the same name by Racheed & Marc Brothers, published in 1989 and 1991 in Micro News. It is one of the less known Coktel Vision games, and was one of the first to use a new interface that was copied for many later titles from the company. It was one of the first to use FMV technology in cut-scenes.
The second in the series of adventure-puzzle games. In this installation, you only have two imps to control instead of three.
Someone has kidnapped the prince and it's up to you and two hilarious sidekicks, Winkle and Fingus, to rescue him. Winkle is a reckless jokester, while Fingus is careful and has a gift for solving puzzles. Luckily, they're blessed with extraordinary vitality. In other words, they never die. That'll sure come in handy when you're up against Wily Wizard's traps, maniacal monsters, and twisted and perplexing puzzles.