A mixture of a platformer and a flying jetpack shoot'em up in which the player has to collect four objects on each planet and than land on the surface to complete the game.
Thunder Boy is a platformer not unlike the first Wonder Boy. It was only released in Europe and was developed by the team behind The Great Giana Sisters in 1988.
This game was originally written for the ZX Spectrum in 1988, written by Peter Gough and published by Mastertronic.
The sewer has been overrun by an assortment of terrible nasties, headed by a monstrous green slime creature.
You must take LINDA and guide her through the sewers in a top secret mission to destroy the slime.
En el juego tomas la persona de Ornar Khalifa, el legendario corredor sudanés. Debes recorrer el mundo transportando la antorcha del Sport Aid 88 y conseguir que la gente se una a La Carrera Contra el Tiempo. Esto se conseguirá izando una bandera y encendiendo la llama en la antorcha de cada uno de los 6 continentes.
El juego tiene más de 100 escenarios, incluyendo lugares famosos, tales como las pirámides de Gizeh, el palacio de Buckingham, el monte Rushmore, el Kremlin y las cataratas del lago Victoria.
¿Cuántos lugares podrás reconocer mientras juegas?
Comienzas el juego de madrugada en el campo de refugiados de El Mowheli, en Sudán, debiendo encontrar primero el aeropuerto. Utiliza el mapa del mundo para escoger tu destino y pulsa la tecla de Acción para ir hacia ese continente. Tu misión es izar la bandera y encender la llama con tu antorcha.
Aunt Arctic Adventure plots you, Charlie the Chimp, and your friend Penguin Pete against Big Borus, the circus owner who has kidnapped your Aunt and forced her to work as a circus performer in the Arctic. In order to save your Aunt from this chilling, frightful scenario, you and your friend must negotiate 50 intricate, extensive levels of mentally challenging, surprise filled, action packed adventure. Along the way you will encounter hostile Eskimos, nasty penguins, and countless other types of diabolic creatures whose only interest is to stop you dead in your tracks before you can rescue your Aunt.
The player assumes the role of the hero, Frognum, whose task it is to reclaim his kingdom from the Tyrant beast. The game style is principally a platformer which finds the player running and jumping through various screens (numbering around a hundred and extending in all four directions). During this the player will encounter bats, balls or giant rats which general follow fixed paths but may also swarm and chase the player. There are two primary weapons at your disposal to eliminate these enemies; you may punch and claw them, or you may incinerate them with your fire breath. Fire breathing is limited but may be replenished once in a while by collecting items. Also in the C64 version it is imperative to clear the each screen completely of enemies or they will tend to respawn upon leaving and re-entering the screen. Your main task is to find four special abilities and then face the final battle.
Charlie Chaplin, an action platformer, is your chance to become a movie director and produce the greatest comedies starring Charlie Chaplin. You can choose the script, the scenes, and the characters. Create, edit and watch your own Chaplin movie.