Mario Rouletteis an uncommon Japan-only medal game, being one of the first medal games from the Mario franchise. The graphics and music are based heavily on Super Mario World and the gameplay of its Bonus Game.
Like Hang-On Jr. before it was of Hang-On, Limited Edition Hang-On is a simpler-course version of Super Hang-On. LE Hang-On is identifiable by having a full-bodied motorcycle as part of the cabinet.
Sonic Eraser is a video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series that was available to owners of the Sega Meganet, a modem for the Sega Mega Drive in Japan. While it is a title in the Sonic series, other than featuring the titular character, there is not much that this game has in common with others in the franchise.
Since the Meganet modem never achieved worldwide availability, Sonic Eraser became a "lost" Sonic game, until February 2004, when the Sonic CulT website got a hold of the ROM through Sega's Japan-only download service.
The game is a fairly simple puzzle game. In the versus mode, when a player gets a combination of three consecutive lineups of pieces, that player's Sonic attacks the other player's Sonic. The other player momentarily loses control of his pieces.
The game is on Sega's B-Club download service.
You are Agent 17 (codename: "Otto"). Your mission is to secure all top secret documents from a security building and escape in the getaway car, located in the basement of the building. Gameboy version of the Arcade game "Elevator Action".
Bookend has been mixing up Bookwyrm's fairy tales and you have to set things right by aiding well known fairy tale characters such as Cinderella and Snow White.
To set things right, you will need to go around acquiring objects, such as Jack's magical beans, to give to Jack so that he can raise a beanstock.
The game is designed with younger gamers in mind, and features a simple VGA interface with two actions, "Do" and "See"; rather than the full hidden icon bar used in other Sierra games.
This is an updated version of Roberta Williams' Mixed-Up Mother Goose. This version utilizes Sierra's SCI game interpreter and features enhanced graphics and sound.
The gameplay remains the same as the previous version; all of the nursery rhymes in Mother Goose Land have become mixed up! Your goal is to set things straight by locating missing items for each of the fairy tale characters in the land. When wandering around the land you can talk to the different characters (each from a different nursery rhyme) to find out what item it is they need; for example, Little Bo Peep is looking for her sheep and Jack Be Nimble lost his candle stick. The items are scattered about the land, and when you locate one pick it up and return it to the appropriate character. When successful, the complete nursery rhyme will play with the lyrics appearing on screen. You can only carry one item at a time, so you may need to remember where you spotted or dropped items not being carried! Also, each time the game is played objects will be i