Warheads for Windows is a clone of Atari's popular 1980 arcade game, Missile Command. Originally it was pretty much a straight rip-off of the classic "intercept the falling missles" game, where you had two missile launchers (instead of three) that you could use to shoot down incoming missiles (the left and right mouse buttons fire from the left and right missile launchers, respectively) to prevent them from destroying six cities below. The missile launchers have a finite number of missiles and can be destroyed by missiles. You earn points for shooting down missiles, nukes and airplanes, and for each city that survives each round, which can earn bonus cities which replace destroyed cities.
When you have no cities left, the game is over. Version 2.0 added sound card support; a large number of configurable options; a display of how many missiles each launcher has remaining; branching missiles (MIRVs), and "blossoming" explosions, in which the destroyed missiles blow up and can destroy the other missiles, causing a ch
"Los Templos Sagrados" is the second part of the adventure tritogy "LEGENDS OF CI-U-THAN" that covers a period and a fairly extensive area of the geohistory of Yucatán.
The CI-U-THAN epic consists of three totally independent books and, therefore, such an extensive project has had to be developed in three complete games of several parts each.
The first book, divided into two parts, narrated your adventures from the arrival on the island of Cozumel as a poor and helpless castaway, until your triumphant departure from it.
In this second book, "LOS TEMPLOS SAGRADOS", you will have to find Chichén ltzá through the ruins of Cobá and Tulum.
The third book, "THE MYSTERY OF CHICHEN ITZA", will tell us about the fabulous final outcome in the most famous Mayan temple: Chichén ltzá.
So, now you have the opportunity to continue with the story of the famous adventurer and archaeologist Doc Monro in the lands of the archaic Mayan culture.
I Play 3D Soccer is one of the earliest 3D football games. You take control of a single player, viewing the action from right behind his perspective. Signalling for your team-mates to pass you the ball is a key gameplay element - don't expect to just watch your team win with no contribution from you. When you gain possession (or press the button while not in possession) your player automatically turns to face the goal.
Flex your thumbs and tease your brain! TRICKY KICK takes brain teasing puzzle gaming into the next dimension. Six different Heroes, trapped in a mixed-up, matched-up world of obstacles, baffle their way through hostile hazards. Weave your way through 120 levels of mind-bending possibilities where wild animals, robots, spooks, and trolls try to keep you from your goal. Designed for puzzlers of all ages, TRICKY KICK will quickly become a game you'll find hard to quit.
This PC rendition of Chinese Checkers allows players to decide if each color is controlled by a player, controlled by a computer, or removed from the game entirely. It features game saving, a hint system, and music.
Play this classic take on the game "Jai Alai", based on the Basque Cesta Punta sport. Bounce the ball off the walled space, use your cesta to accelerate it to high speeds in this top down version of a classic sports game!
Bicycle Solitaire is a single player card game which is played entirely via the mouse. It has an undo function, retains the scores for multiple players - not at the same time though. It features games of Auld Lang Syne, Calculation, Canfield, Four Seasons, Golf, Klondike, and Little Spider.
F.Godmom is a platform game, featuring a fairy godmother as the protagonist. All the fairy godmothers have been captured, and only you are left to save them. On each level, the player needs to collect all the tokens, find the key and get to the exit. Monsters kill the fairy if they come in contact with her. The player's only weapon is a magic wand that can be used to transform objects. The player first uses the wand on any object to acquire a "wand pattern", then he can transform anything (walls, ladders, monsters...) into said object. This can be used to create ladders to travel, get rid of monsters etc., though all transformed objects revert to their original form after a while. Some levels feature gray objects which cannot be affected by the wand.
Fred is a platform game, where the player controls a caveman, walking horizontally through the levels. Like in nearly every platform game, there are hanging platforms for the caveman to jump on, though sometimes parts of the platforms give way. Climbable ropes also appear.
You play a small green guy who needs to blow up eight towers, because their presence is somehow poisoning the water of planets which could potentially be ideal colonies. Unfortunately you need to get to the top of these towers to blow them up.
You make your way up to the top of the tower via walkways around the outside of the towers. You need to jump over, kick, and run from various enemies in your journey to the top. Most vertical movement is achieved by jumping onto moving ledges at the right moment.
The game was considered revolutionary in its time for its graphic technique. As the main character walked around the outside of the tower, the character was fixed in the middle of the screen while the tower itself rotated. This gave it a pseudo-3D effect.
Towers are linked together via a voyage through the sea in your trusty MK.7 submarine. This plays out as a side-scrolling collect-'em-up in which bonus points can be obtained.
Profezia (Italian for "prophecy") is an adventure game with a multiple-choice interface and a medieval theme.
Whenever an action is to be taken, the player is presented with a set of choices, which will affect the rest of the adventure.