The first home version of Wonder Boy was released exclusively in Japan for the SG-1000 (Sega's first video game console) during the same year the arcade version was released. The game was released in a "My Card" format, which required the "Card Catcher" peripheral. Because of the severe hardware differences, the game was remade completely for the SG-1000 with an all new set of stages. Certain enemies, stages, and items were also omitted, such as the skateboard.
Rock'n Rage is an action shooter developed and published by Konami and released on arcade platforms in 1986.
The game is an action shooter game, the player plays as Rick or John and have to go through five mazed levels, each corresponding at one time era, Ancient Egypt, England during medieval times, France during revolution, Italy during roman era and Japan in modern days. Each of these levels concludes with a boss fight.
Players start with guitars only as their weapons, but finding potions on the ground will allow them to expand greatly their range of action, such as shooting musicals notes to destroy the various enemies the game offers.
Early interactive erotica program developed using MacroMind VideoWorks, featuring a pixellated woman named 'Maxie' and a selection of sex toys which can be used on her. One of the first games to include a 'panic button,' hiding the game behind a fake spreadsheet.
Mighty Guy combines the overhead perspective of a run and gun with the gameplay of a beat 'em up. Your character has to fight their way through a desert, town, and mechanical area filled with machines, humans, and bugs to fight. You use punches or a jump kick to defeat enemies as you advance upward. Some enemies will drop guns that you can pick up to use for yourself, making the game play more like a conventional run and gun. Once you defeat the boss at the end, the game will loop back to the beginning and repeat until you run out of lives.
Casio's Yami no Ryūō Hadesu no Monshō is a clone of Konami's Knightmare. In this top-view game you control a brave and handsome knight, Leon, that has to shoot bullets at various types of enemies. Shooting a series of enemies can grant you invulnerability or a shield. You have to avoid obstacles and shoot at them at the same time because they can contain power-ups for your weapons. At the end of each level is an end boss that has to be defeated before you can continue to the next level.
The player controls a young commander which uses a green armour and helmet and must defending the kingdom lands from invading enemies, following the orders and instructions given by the old king, for it you'll have to use money to making defect the enemy and recruit under your commands to form a legion of soldiers and make uses of different arms collected on the way, like bombs and arrows to defeat other enemies while you jump and dodges his attacks, always avoiding contact with any enemy for not to die and continue his legendary journey.
iD is a video game developed by Mel Croucher and Colin Jones for the ZX Spectrum and published by CRL in 1986. The game is text-based and takes the form of a conversation with an entity that has inhabited the computer. The player's task is to gain the entity's trust and find out what other inanimate objects this entity has inhabited in the past.
Radical Castle is a point-and-click adventure game released for Macintosh in 1986 and distributed as shareware.
Players assume the role of the 'Squire', who after mistaking the princess for a serving wench, is given a choice by the King between death and a quest to recover an oracle stolen by a wizard.