Following a robot rebellion, humans have fled the Earth for the planet Nova. They have sent the robot OR-CABE-3 back to Earth to obtain the secret defense plans of the enemy robot base. The player takes control of OR-CABE-3 as it attempts to escape the enemy base with the plans and board a spacecraft for Nova.
Vaxol is a Space Harrier-inspired game where players control a heavily armed robot traversing a hazardous planetary surface. Waves of enemies reminiscent of Space Harrier appear, and players can fly across the screen to avoid obstacles. Unlockable weapon systems enhance gameplay, while defeating giant bosses awaits at each level's end. With a single life at the start, Vaxol offers a challenging experience.
The game is similar in style to the game 'Commando', in that your navigating a terrain while facing numerous enemy soldiers. Your equipped with a machine gun, and with grenades that you can throw.
The game story starts when a helicopter leaves you in the middle of the action ... You are all alone and have to fight against the enemy soldiers who keep appearing from almost everywhere.
You will fight through the marshes, the tropical forest & the clearing by the temple to attempt to prevent you from reaching your goal - to reach the base at Khe Sanh and free the soldiers from the enemy.
Game Master II is the second cheat cartridge produced by Konami for the MSX computer. Generally, when inserted into slot 1 it allows to modify a Konami game which should be inserted in slot 2. The user can change the number of lives, set starting stage and modify other parameters and even save progress (SRAM) in certain games.
Aside from this functionality the cartridge includes two simple games: Hockey and Tennis, both are Pong variants. There's also a little program called Biorythm on the cartridge.
This horror action RPG revolves around a female SWAT member named Lila who must rescue survivors in an isolated monster-infested town. As the plot unfolds, it is later revealed that the monsters have come from a portal to another world and the family that has secretly protected it for generations.
Knither is the sequel to Demon Crystal. The gameplay is similar - collect keys to open locked areas, find the big key and then the exit, only now you also have to collect 3 passwords per world, otherwise you cannot advance to the next world. In addition to the fire ball, there's also thunder sword, wave of fire, cracker and spark flash, which kills all enemies on screen. The game features 5 worlds with 10 stages each, plus the last stage where you battle the witch, for a total of 51 stages.
In the Nara period in Japan (720-752 AD), there lived a sculptor named Gaou, descended from the mad scientist Dr. Saruta. At a young age, he lost an arm and eye, and was soon ridiculed by his peers for it. Eventually, it proved to be too much, and Gaou became a thief. In spite of his corrupt lifestyle, however, he was able to settle down with a wife - for a while, at least. It all came crashing to a halt over one little disagreement, as Gaou cussed her out... and then killed her!
Filled with remorse, Gaou chose to repent his wicked deeds, and turned to a Buddhist monk for help. The monk's teachings eventually led him to pursue his passion for sculpting, which led to a series of powerful works renowned for the raw emotions pent up inside him that were expressed therein. But it wasn't enough - Gaou needed to be completely reborn! Hearing about the mystical phoenix, who grants those who drink its blood eternal life, from a fellow sculptor named Akanemaru, Gaou set out on a journey to find the great bird of fire... an
The time had come to put an end to the long and unproductive battle. This was brought about by the Azumural, the third race that came from the heavens. While both countries were fighting, the Azumural steadily developed their scientific capabilities and in the end even acquired aviation technology. They got to know about the world beyond the Ring. Because of their brutal nature they made a temporary alliance with the Ghouls and invaded Eletria. The balance of fight largely deteriorated and the Eletrians barricaded themselves in the last remaining fortress Nesha Castle
The evil Banutracus had destroyed the great civilization of the planet Nepenthus and brought it down to a primitive state. War broke out between the planet's humble Eletrian people and Banutracus's barbarous Cooligan invaders. After a long struggle, the Eletrians got united under the powerful leadership of one they called the father and managed to obtain a momentary peace. Howerver, when Banutracus returned to his planet he killed the father and re-established his hold. One Cooligan Gea saw the evil nature of Banutracus and escaped with the father's only daughter Neshah to one of the great ruined Eletrian cities. There, they had a son. When the boy grew to be a strong young man, one of the Cooligan soldiers discovered their hideout and killed his escaped parents. From that day, the boy swore vengeance on Banutracus and to eventually restore peace to the planet.”