Donkey Kong Circus is a Game & Watch title released as part of the Panorama series. It is a remake of the second Mickey Mouse Game & Watch game, which was released worldwide seven months earlier. The two games' codes even seem to have gotten mixed up, with Mickey Mouse being model "DC-95" and Donkey Kong Circus being "MK-96. Neither the Panorama Screen Mickey Mouse nor Donkey Kong Circus was released in Japan.
In the game, Donkey Kong, while balancing on a barrel, has to keep pineapples in the air while avoiding fire coming from flammable barrels.
Armed with a mini-punch, the main character, Punch Boy, goes through a maze of various gimmicks to Monster Castle, defeats four bosses and saves the captured Lady. In the maze, monsters are born from rock-like eggs (which can be rolled with a punch). The monster does not accept mini punches from other than the front, faints with the mini punch from the front, and can be defeated with another blow. Some eggs do not hatch, and monsters and punch boys often roll eggs.
The player controls a Norwegian sailor by the name of Momotaro, who must use barrels to defeat the titular pirate crew. Momotaro has no attacks of his own. However, he has the ability to grab barrels, drums, large bags, and various other items which he can throw (either horizontally or vertically) across the screen. Any pirate who stands in the way of a barrel or other object will be hurled off the screen. Barrels that impact the walls of a stage or other barrels or objects will shatter and produce points, while other objects are invulnerable (but do not produce points). Each successive enemy that is hit by a barrel will yield additional points once the barrel is destroyed. In addition, there are also various items hidden beneath barrels in each level which will give Momotaro bonus points. Every floor of the ship has a set number of pirates to be destroyed, as well as a single "Bow", a special pirate that regenerates each time it is defeated. Every fourth level in the game yields a bonus level in which the barrels
The story still's the same: Ishtar sends Gilgamesh up the 60 maze levels of the Druaga's tower to rescue Ki and retrieve the Blue Crystal Rod. He must find each level's key to proceed to the next one.
The Atari 2600 adaption of the 1984 film, "Gremlins".
In this version, on the first screen, Mogwai are jumping from the roof to get at hamburgers on the ground. You, as Billy, must catch them before the hit they ground. If you get them all, it is off to the next, faster, level. If you miss eight, then you go to a shooting screen.
On the shooting screen, gremlins are approaching from the distance. You must shoot them before they reach you. If one reaches you, you lose a life. After they are all dead, it is back to the first screen at a faster level. In later levels, puddles of water will divide the gremlins in two.
A different version of the same name was also released for the 5200, Commodore 64 and Apple II.
The top-down adaption of the 1984 film, "Gremlins" for the 5200, Commodore 64, and Apple II. Players have to capture all of the Mogwai.
A different release of the same name using a side view was released for the Atari 2600.
The Family Basic is a Basic interpreter for the Famicom that was only released in Japan. It included the Famicom Keyboard and a tape drive called the Famicom Data Recorder. Many versions were released following the first version which was released in June 1984. Version 3 included games that were based on previous Nintendo titles.
Hopper is a game similar to the arcade game Pengo. The player is a kangaroo trying to escape from three circus trainers. The game is played on single screen levels each full of crates. The kangaroo can move around in all directions and push the crates in front of him. The three trainers move around the screen trying to catch the kangaroo and to defeat them crates have to be pushed onto them. To advance to the next level, all of the trainers have to be squished. The player has four lives and when they are all gone the game is over.
Loosely based on the cult episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" from the original Star Trek series you are a tribbles farmer and have to guide a batch of your newly bred critters to safety.
Crab Grab is a Super Color Game & Watch video game released in 1984. It's model number is UD-202. In the game, crabs are moving towards your character. You must push them away and not let them pinch you. If three crabs pinch you, then it'll result in a game over, and you'll have to start over. There are four columns, each a different color (from left to right: purple, green, orange, and blue). The crabs will start to come from the top, and you'll have to move your character from left to right to push them away, though more and more will always come. The game was one of two Super Color games, the other being Spitball Sparky.
Spitball Sparky is a Super Color Game & Watch game released in 1984 by Nintendo. The game's model number was BU-201, and the contents within the box included the game, LR44 batteries, a caution leaflet, a how to play leaflet, and battery stickers. The game is very similar to the arcade classic Arcanoid and has colors due to the layers of colored plastic overlay. Your goal is to spit on the ball so that it'll go back up and destroy the blocks at the top. The unit was rectangular and silver. When Nintendo of America released the game in America, they made artwork for the game that had a more detailed character.
Dig Dug is a 1-2 player arcade game in which you have to use your shovel to dig your way through the earth. Stopping you from doing this are two monsters, called Pooka and Fygar, who will continually chase you around. The only weapon that you carry is an air pump, which you can use to inflate the monsters to the point where they explode. (if you start to inflate them but stop doing so, the monsters will get turned back to their normal selves). Furthermore, rocks are scattered throughout the earth, and you can use these rocks to squash them. If the monsters do not find you for several seconds, they will eventually get turned into ghosts, which can walk through the earth. They are invincible and cannot be killed. From time to time, vegetables will appear in the center, and you can get these for points.