Snatcher is a cyberpunk-themed graphic adventure game directed and written by Hideo Kojima and produced by Konami. The setting and story of Snatcher is heavily influenced by cyberpunk and science-fiction media, taking place in a large futuristic dystopian city. The story revolves around an investigator named Gillian Seed assigned to investigate a breed of bioroids known as "snatchers", who are killing humans and taking their place in society. The game is set in a primarily first person perspective and uses a menu-based interface that allows the protagonist to interact with his environment. The player can choose to "Look", "Investigate", "Talk", "Ask" and "Move" (in addition to other options) to acquire key items or receive vital information from other characters. The player can analyze items in Gillian's belongings or show it to other characters. During key points of the game's story, the player must pass shooting sequences to defend Gillian from assailants. These shooting segments use a 3x3 grid which the player c
A Sengoku period board game simulation starring Beat Takeshi.
Takeshi no Sengoku Fuuunko is a board game simulation starring Japanese comedian-turned-actor "Beat" Takeshi Kitano. Similar to the Game of Life, players move around a board earning money and occasionally encountering events such as a minigame - in which the player can increase their wealth should they succeed - or a penalty. The game has a Sengoku era theme running throughout, from its samurai characters to the tattooed gambler that rolls a dice for determining how many places a player can move around the board that turn.
Beat Takeshi appears frequently while the game is being played dressed in traditional Sengoku era clothing. The game is presumably in reference to the TV show Takeshi's Castle, which also starred Beat Takeshi and had a Sengoku era theme.
Bandai published this Ultraman-themed RPG for the Famicom Disk System in 1988. It was not released outside of Japan.
Ultraman Club: Chikyuu Dakkan Sakusen ("Earth Protection Strategy" roughly) is a Bandai licensed game and the third Famicom Disk System game to be based on the Ultraman tokusatsu/kaiju TV show. The concept behind the "Ultraman Club" was to consolidate all the different variants of Ultraman from his many appearances in the different shows and have the player control a party of them.
Unlike the two prior games, which were more action-oriented, this game is a turn-based RPG similar to Final Fantasy. Players could also select each scenario from the title screen, choosing to play them in whichever order they wished - this type of freeform non-linear RPG model would appear later in Dragon Quest IV, though of course it had been common practice in Capcom's Mega Man series long before Ultraman Club's release.
The player controls a blue helicopter fighting against waves of enemy vehicles and ground turrets. Each mission takes the helicopter to a different part of the world
Tetris, developed by Bullet-Proof Software, was the first licensed Tetris game to be released commercially in Japan. It was released on most of the common home computers from the era.
Family Quiz 4-nin wa Rival (ファミリークイズ 4人はライバル? lit. Family Quiz 4 Man Rivalry) is a Japanese trivia game devloped by Athena for the Famicom, and published in Japan in November of 1988. This game was Athena's first console release. With a focus on family play, the game allows for four players to compete simultaneously. The goal is to beat the other opponents in four mini-games, each requiring that the player answer some Japanese trivia questions in order to proceed. The four mini-games are based on a game show, a board-game, the game of Othello, and a memory match game. In the game show, the only version that allows for just one player, answering questions correctly raises that player's podium towards a balloon. The other versions require at least two players, and turns may only be taken after players have answered a trivia question correctly.
Target Plus requires the Gun Stick accessory, a light gun. The game consists of two parts that can be played independently, all related to shooting ranges.
In the first part, you will have to shoot flying plates, and in the second part of the game your goal will be to protect a cooked chicken from being relentlessly attacked by spiders or wasps.
Main character is a freshman student who gets to enter a student dormitory "Cosmos club" full of girls. He is secretly in love with one of the girls and seeks her attention.
A sci-fi/comedy NES adventure game developed and published by Natsume in Japan only.
Touhou Kenbun Roku ("The Travels of Marco Polo") is an adventure game that uses the then-ubiquitous NES adventure game system of having a series of menu commands with which to interact with the world. As a text-heavy Japanese adventure game, some fluency with the language is required in order to play it.
The game depicts a troublemaker sent from the future back to 1275, when Marco Polo was in the midst of his explorations.