Samurai Warriors is the first title in the series of hack and slash video games created by Koei's Omega Force team based loosely around the Sengoku ("Warring States") period of Japanese history and it is a sister series of the Dynasty Warriors series. In the basic gameplay of Samurai Warriors, the player takes the role of a single officer in battle and must fend off hordes of enemy soldiers and defeat the enemy commander. The player has at their disposal a range of combo attacks and crowd-clearing special moves known as Musou attacks. The variety of attacks available increase as the character levels up and acquires more superior weapons. The game features a total of 15 characters based on historical figures during the Warring States period of Japan.
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders is a tactical wargame developed by the Korean studio Phantagram for the Xbox. It is the sequel to the 2001 game Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes, and continues its storyline. Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders combines third-person action and role-playing elements in its gameplay, which differs from its predecessor.
Its sequel is Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes. Another sequel is to be released in 2015 entitled Kingdom Under Fire II for PC and PlayStation 4.
Shadow of the Beast II is an action game developed by Reflections and published by Psygnosis in 1990. It is the sequel to the earlier Shadow of the Beast.
In the war on terror, the battlefield is global and only one special ops squad can protect the world's freedom. it's up to you to lead this elite group through deadly missions against and enemy fuelled by hatred.
Blitz: The League is an American football game by Midway as an unlicensed extension of their NFL Blitz series. Released after the NFL signed an exclusive licensing deal with Electronic Arts, it was released in October 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. This game is the first in the Blitz series to receive an "M" rating by the ESRB due to the graphic violence, explicit language, and drug use depicted. Lawrence Taylor, who provides voice acting for the game, serves as its official spokesman. In 2006, a second version of the game was released on the Xbox 360 in October. In December 2006, a portable version was released on the PlayStation Portable (under the title Blitz: Overtime). These versions included the voicework and likeness of former pro linebacker Bill Romanowski. The game was originally intended to be a Wii launch title, but the Wii-version was delayed and eventually canceled.
On January 22, 2007, the game was refused classificatio by the Office of Film and Literature Classification in Australia, effective
Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu is a 2003 beat 'em up video game released for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance and GameCube consoles. It was developed and published by Ubisoft in conjunction with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Comics. It is based on the television series The New Batman Adventures and is a sequel to the game Batman: Vengeance
The objective of Stampede is to round up all of the cattle you encounter. To do so, the player must lasso each one in order to capture it. The player is initially only allowed to let two cattle pass; if a third one slips by, the game is over. An important caveat to this is that the player gets one extra free pass for every 1,000 points scored. So, if a player were at 2,000 points and had not yet let any cattle pass, then he or she would be allowed to let four cattle pass before the fifth one ended the game (assuming he or she did not reach 3,000). This makes it possible for an expert player to repeatedly beat the game - as after about 5,000 points or so the game essentially "resets," and the same pattern is repeated.
Dragons have driven the Royal Court from the Castle
"O we are lost, lost" laments the King. "Without our vast treasures we cannot raise an army 'gainst these accursed dragons. Our Kingdom must now languish under lizards!"
"Nay, not so, my liege!" replied the young Prince. "None knows that Castle, those many bridges and storerooms, better than I. Give me leave and I shall loot those lizards of their plunder and restore my lord to his birthright."
"Brave boy," said the King, fully pleased. "But," he added darkly, "beware dread dragonfire!"
Demon Attack is an arcade action game with gameplay similar to Space Invaders. You control a laser canon at the bottom of the screen, and need to destroy wave after wave of brightly colored demons. The demons bounce around the screen in bizarre patterns, and try to destroy your canon with bombs or lasers. When you shoot a demon, it will be replaced with another or will split into two smaller demons depending on which wave you are playing. When the required number of demons for the current round is finally destroyed, you can move on to the next, more difficult round.
Congo Bongo is an isometric platform arcade game released by Sega in 1983. The game has come to be seen as Sega's answer to the highly successful Donkey Kong game that was released two years prior. The player takes the role of a red-nosed safari hunter who tries to catch an ape named "Bongo". The hunter seeks Bongo to exact revenge for an apparent practical joke in which Bongo set fire to the hunter's tent, giving him a literal "hotfoot". The game was named by Peter W. Gorrie who was the CFO of Sega at that time.
After their first game "The Secret of Space Octopuses", and after winning the first prize of the 32 hours during Retro Game Jam 2013 of Montpellier (France) with their "Super Commodore Holy Tank Soccer Deluxe", the 3 indies of Fusty Game are back with "Hover: Revolt of Gamers", a futuristic parkour game. Currently in development since november 2013 and based on new technologies like the "Oculus Rift", it takes place in a 3D futuristic open world. The new Mayor of Hover-City is prohibiting video games and all sorts of entertainment. Anyone catched in such a act would be send to hard labour. You play the "Gamers". They created the Resistance to help citizen to get back their consoles, create a diversion among the Cops while others are hacking the Mayor propaganda . In front of Non Playing Characters and other players in multiplayer you have to show your skills (speed race, triks, agility, speed hacking, diversions...). Other Gamers will join you during the adventure. Try to become the leader of the Resistance!
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation is a 1989 computer game. It was hailed as the first step of differentiating racing games from the arcade realm and into racing simulation. It was developed by the Papyrus Design Group, consisting of David Kaemmer and Omar Khudari, and distributed by Electronic Arts. It first released for DOS and later for the Amiga in 1990.
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation attempts to be a full simulation of the Indianapolis 500 race, with 33 cars and appropriate Indy car "feel". While racing, it only offers a first-person perspective, but the game offers a replay mode as well. Indy 500 offers the ability to realistically set up the car, and any changes made to the car directly affect how it handles.
The field is represented as realistic and the qualifying order stays true to the 1989 Indianapolis 500 starting grid.
The 13th release in the franchise, Armored Core: for Answer is set ten years after Armored Core 4 and sees the largest machines in Armored Core yet called Arms Forts.
Armored Core, the mech action game that defined the mech genre is back to take on next-generation platforms! Armored Core 4 reinvigorates the brand by offering an all-new storyline, new environments, and online capability. The 10th anniversary of the acclaimed franchise is punctuated with a leap to next-generation platforms that will ensure a new quality level in both gameplay and visual performance.
Imagine Rice, Unitas, Butkus, and Singletary. In their prime, on the same field, or maybe even the same team. Imagine preparing a precision squad of mercenaries—even building your own players.
A toxic waste spill finds its way into the water supply causing the recently deceased rise from their graves. Now you have to shoot your way through the hordes of undead to reach your only hope for survival. On the way to your rescue you will have to search stores and houses for supplies, and trade with other survivors.
With three game modes, hundreds of items, weapons and grenades, and a city that is never the same twice, there is always something new hiding round the corner in Dead Pixels.
It's a snap! This is your chance to rub shoulder pads with Joe Montana, the man who led the "Team of the Eighties" to four Super Bowl Championships. You provide all the fourth quarter heroics, play-calling brilliance, and pinpoint passing as you hit the field against any of 28 pro teams. Call all your own plays! Each team has a playbook with 17 offensive and six defensive options. Pick the play that you think will work best, or take the advice of Joe Montana himself, as he recommends the play he would call in each situation. You control the action on the field by switching to the key players as the play unfolds. Your strength and speed will vary by position, just like the real sport. Knock helmets with the computer or punch holes in a friend's defense. Can you keep your head cool and your passing arm hot? Pick your team. Choose the plays. Think you have what it takes to be the next Joe Montana?
In the sequel to Aero the Acro-Bat you have to defeat evil industrialist Edgar Ektor once again. He is back and again with bad ideas, so you - in the role of Aero - have to find and destroy him before he carries out his diabolical "Plan B". Like in the last installment, you have to jump, escape lethal obstacles and progress in time. This game features more moves for Aero, more mechanisms to use and more items to collect.
It's just a kidnapping. Of an entire day. By an alien UFO! Will Fester sit still for this? The quest begins. For starters, take on slime replicators, skeeters, globules and giant scorpions. Your health is at stake, not to mention your life! Will you whip the Alien Bosses or will they whip you? Lucky for you, this is a family affair. And what a family! Find your way to Thing and help is right at hand. In trouble? Just ring for Lurch. He'll give those aliens trouble with a capital "L". The fate of the whole city is in your hands, and we've saved the worst for last!