Erkattäññe is a set of 11 levels for Doom II by Nicolás Monti, aiming to imitate the style of 1994-1996 maps, with a restrained texture set for thematic consistency being the only concession given to aesthetics. The levels are dominated by curves and irregular shapes, and filled with secrets.
A collection of larger maps than normal Doom2. Should provide about four hours of play on Ultra-Violence. Three of these maps were released in earlier versions as "Perdido", 1,2 & 3.
A collection of maps experimenting with the concept of simple textures in order to emphasize the fundamentals of level design (lighting, elevation, thing placement, simple contrast, etc.)
#1 Kill Extra is a single-level PWAD for Doom that was designed by Angelo Jefferson and released in 1997. It was released at the same time as #1Kill and was followed by Number One Kill The Next Generation later in the same year.
Favillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on Io V1.2 is a Doom 1 episode designed entirely by Nicolas Monti that attempts to emulate the Phobos style to the best of his abilities, released in 2013.
Number One Kill The Next Generation is a 22-level megawad for Doom II that was created by Angelo Jefferson and released in November 1997. It is a sequel to Number One Kill, a Doom 1 Episode replacement. This WAD is noteworthy for its difficult levels relative to its early release, leading to comparisons with The Plutonia Experiment and Hell Revealed.
#1Kill is a Doom episode created by Angelo Jefferson in 1997. It was released at the same time as #1Kill Extra and was followed by Number One Kill The Next Generation later in the same yearr
A swansong megawad done by The Black Star Coven before heading over to Quake. It stood out against other WADs of the era for its strong emphasis on creating moody atmospheres, helped by a predominantly ambient soundtrack in the vein of Doom 64.
99 Ways to Die is a three-level PWAD for Doom II, released in April 1996 by Warren Marshall. It is noted for its quality in lighting effects, and its regarded as the PWAD that "...raised the bar for lighting effects in Doom.".
Urania (URANIA.WAD) is a megawad that contains 32 new levels by riderr3.
The megawad features difficult gameplay based on the style of The Plutonia Experiment, but maps are mostly larger, often with non-linear progression and heavy opposition.
Obituary is a May 1995 Doom II megawad by The Innocent Crew. It contains 17 new single player levels, three new monsters via a DeHackEd patch, some new graphics, and an optional weapon patch which replaces four weapons. Two new deathmatch maps are included as well.
DEFECT is a cyberpunk, squad-based, Immersive Shooter set in a dystopian world, where AI controls the city with fearsome police forces. They battle rogue gang factions in intense 4x4x4x4, multi-objective, multi-finale face-offs featuring futuristic weapons & tech.
AOL Girls Museum (AOLGIRLS.WAD) is a PWAD for Doom II.
The museum displays erotic images of women that were shared in AOL chatrooms between the years of 1994 and 1998.