The second installment of a speedmapping event taking place in Clippy's discord server. The wonderful recolours by @Jimmy² from his Zoon-tech subset of Zoon-tex were used and some things were painted by mappers to fit resulting in 12 total maps.
The Confinement Community project was created with one objective in mind. Create a map of any size between 1024x1024 and 2048x2048. Nineteen talented mappers came together over an extended period of time to produce Twenty Three beautifully detailed maps, built into a confined space.
BlueAge is a brand new 32 map limit removing megawad made by Skronkidonk and @DCGRetrowave.This megawad was made in 1 1/2 years on and off & was tested on DSDADoom.Pistol start was made in mind and is designed for UV, but lower difficulties are implemented as well.
3x3: Take Two is the spiritual sequel to the 3x3 community project, hosted by MFG38. The set contains 30 maps from 22 different authors, using only 3 flats, 3 wall textures and 3 enemy types per map. Maps were sorted *roughly* by difficulty this time around to make the final mapset more friendly for continuous play.
3x3 is a 29-level megawad that came to life as a community project hosted by MFG38. Participating mappers were given a week to make up to 2 maps each while only allowed to use 3 flats, 3 textures and 3 enemy types. (A select few textures/flats were excluded from the limit.)
PTSD guy returns in this all new adventure, full with completely new levels, secrets, weapons and returning characters Experience weirdness to it's full extent, and maybe even discover something more sinister/serious in it all...
The PTSD mod, It's weird. It's dumb, it's a guy who has an obsession with old punt and outdated memes.
PTSD mod let's you see the world from PTSD guy's eyes, experience memories, nightmares, memes and all sorts of stuff in this crazy world full of ptsd. Fight back the new punt leader and win back old punt!
I have been laid down in a pit of darknesses and the shadow of death. And thy anger has pressed down upon me; and all thy cares have come down upon me. And from this bed I cry out for the kindling of thy Light!
Outbreak might be best summed up as an add-on to the original SMOD that encourages the same frenzied action as it throws a generous number of hostiles at the player, especially zombies. Following its base, Outbreak's arsenal includes usual suspects like the G36 carbine, as well as less conventional ones such as a katana that gives the player a speed boost.
Outbreak started off in Summer 2007 as a small, personal mod by SMOD: Tactical forum member veteran_gamer. His hobby project was later released and was well received. As time went on, others like Useful, Jen4, and IneptGuard contributed work and ideas as well.
ZDoom Community Map Project: Take II, abbreviated to ZDCMP2, is a single map for ZDoom designed by a large number of mappers. It is one of the largest levels ever made. Like the previous project, each mapper was assigned a set of dates to work on the map, each one continuing where the last mapper finished. It took over two years to build, with a final release on 25 May 2014. The map makes extensive use of ZDoom features, such as 3D floors (including swimmable water), and portals.
Join Alex on her deadly solo-mission to expose the mysteries of planet Vandermire. Experience a truly transformative third-person shooter and absorb organic abilities to expand your combat and movement capabilities beyond anything you’ve seen before.
Originally 'The Nullspace', was a map submitted for Quake Brutalist Jam 2 by ExaByt. This is an expansion of it into a mini-episode consisting of 4 maps (including the original Nullspace, slightly updated/rebalanced), and a start map.