In a distant part of the universe, an alien creature called Zelos was born. As he grew so did his appetite, and soon he began devouring galaxies, planets, and stars by the hundreds. Now your planet has appeared in Zelos' path, and it is up to you and a partner to fly into battle to save your world. Salamander is an action-packed shooter where there are six levels which alternate between side and vertical scrolling, each of them ending with a powerful guardian. Throughout the game, destroying certain enemies will release power ups which can be used to equip your ship with more powerful weapons, extra speed, and shields. Gameplay is for one player or two players simultaneously.
Tens of thousands of light years away, aliens are invading a second Earth. Save the planet in this vertical-scrolling shooter, now known more for its soundtrack; the first game ever to be scored by the legendary Hitoshi Sakimoto, and the third by equally-famous Masaharu Iwata.
Submarine Wars is an LCD game released by Sega in Japan as part of the Game Vision series. It is in fact a retooled version of Tiger Electronics' 1989 LCD "Super Sound" handheld, Sub Wars.
The LCD version of After Burner is a watered-down version of the arcade game After Burner created by Tiger Electronics. Two versions were created - a handheld version, and a large tabletop unit, although the game itself is presumed to be identical. It was released in 1989.
Excalibur is 2D arcade side scrolling shoot'em up game. The game hasn't real story and has quite a simple game play - the player controls a red space ship, flies straightforward, avoid obstacles and shoot enemies in various locations (mostly mountains with space background). The enemies are in many types, shapes and colours - spaceships, "molecules", geometric figures, etc. If a spaceship flies too slowly, then it has a tendency to fall down.
Six years after destroying an alien force in Warhawk you are now retired on the planet Sloar with the cute animals playing arcade games but you're so bored. The chance has come once again from Intergalactic Federation to destroy an alien force who have invaded and taken over the planet Tanium. In your 'Quariad' stealth fighter you must fly over the surface of the planet over various levels shooting and avoiding various waves of alien ships. At the end of a level you will face a serpent like creature who needs destroying. Touching or getting shot from an alien craft will lose you one of three lives. Lose them all and it's game over.
Tanium is a horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up viewed from the side with the screen constantly scrolling.
In Spinworld the player takes control of a two-man space ship, manned by Ronald and Joe, which is sent out to explore the the planet Spinworld. The game is a side-scrolling shooter in which the player has to shoot everything that moves and must avoid touching the environment. It is not advised to use rapid fire, though, because the gun may overheat. A speciality is the fuel which needs to be replenished before running out. To do so the player needs to shoot enemies until “crunch' is activated which can be converted to fuel in the so-called “tunnels”.
Thousands of MOXAT-2046 androids are scattered throughout the confederation of XATOR plants, sowing death and desolation.
Your objective will be to activate the detonators that will destroy the planets and escape before they explode.
The mission is not easy but you are the chosen one
In year 691 of the celestial calendar, the dimensional control computer "Laxis" ran amok under the influence of an unknown interdimensional energy, striking out against mankind. Using its dimensional powers, Laxis escaped to another era. Using your dimensional controller-equipped power suit, the Arouza, you must hunt down and destroy Laxis.
Starting out in space, you control Arouza, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the metal knights in Herzog, as it flies towards the enemy. In the Space Harrier vein, you see your character from behind while enemies appear from the horizon. On later stages, set above the planet surface, the resemblance is stronger, especially since you can run on the ground. You have two weapon systems, consisting of a gun and target-seeking missiles, which have a limited supply. Arouza can be upgraded using powerups released when killing certain enemies. Upgrading is a good precaution before you encounter the end-of-level bosses, since you only have one life (with a power bar, mind you) to wa
As a direct descendant of the legendary hero "Speedhawk", it is your task to stop them by infiltrating their motherships and destroy the mutant guardians (which serve as bosses) at the end of each level.
Hostile space fighters and turrets will try to protect their motherships, but if you manage to destroy a space fighter it might give you a power-up. But be warned as they can also be shot and will be destroyed. They also might fly away if you don't collect them in time.