Inspired by the television series of the same name, Curro Jiménez, the bandit protagonist, must confront the French troops occupying Spain. The character moves on foot or on horseback in the early stages, killing French soldiers while taking dynamite cartridges, since the final objective of the game is to bomb a French camp from air, using a balloon and the dynamite previously collected.
A maze game with 6 stages where you must evade or shoot enemies while collecting 8 scroll fragments in a set order to free a prisoner then take them back to the start of the stage.
Based on a manga and anime of the same name. You control Hosuke Sharaku - a boy with a third eye on his forehead and of terrifying power. This power is unleashed when his third eye is open so he is wearing a bandage to seal his power and remove any memories of his true nature.
A Tiger Electronics' watch version of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. The gameplay barely resembles the original from Simon's Quest, so it could be considered a separate game. It was preceded by a more in-depth version in LCD handheld format. It was released in 1988.
Bouncing Bluster is a 1 - 2 player arcade game similar to Arkanoid. The player controls a paddle on the bottom of the screen that moves horizontally, and must bounce a ball to hit and destroy and bricks on the screen. The player starts with 5 lives, and it's game over when all are lost. Various powerups fall from the screen as blocks are broken, including multiple balls, the ability to shoot lasers, sticky balls, and thinner/wider paddles.
The gameplay flows in 2D side-scrolling mode, where you may use your sword, throw the daggers, and avoid the enemies. You may walk, jump and run, and perform this not in one plane. Background, foreground and middle planes are available to change. The daggers should be thrown to eliminate as enemies with range weapons as flying and hard-to-reach ones. Different items should be collected such as keys, other daggers, etc.