Rocketball is based on the futuristic sports movie Rollerball, released in 1975. The computer game is similar to Roller Derby in that two teams on roller skates travel counter-clockwise around a banked, circular track. The object of the game is to score points by throwing a softball-sized metal ball into a cone-shaped goal target inset into the wall of the arena. Balls are fired into play, in the same direction players skate, by cannons when play begins and to restart play after the ball rolls out of play or a goal is scored.
It's time to go down your local alley and have a game of bowling. The game is viewed from behind your bowler at a slight elevated angle. Before you bowl you can move your bowler left or right to get the perfect position. There is an option to choose which angle to bowl by pressing the + or - key and also which hand you want by pressing R or L. To bowl the ball when you are happy, you move the joystick forward and press the fire button to release the ball. You can't release the ball while not running. Don't go forward too far or it's a foul. The usual scoring is worked out by the computer. Here's to scoring 300.