The 2003 AtariAge Holiday Cart was created by Andrew Davie and given out to anyone purchasing $50 or more from the AtariAge Store during the 2003 holiday season. The cart displays an image seen below and flips horizontally every few seconds. This was just a demo for Andrew Davie's script to display higher resolution images.
In Maze Craze, your goal is to be the first of two players to make it out of a maze! Each player controls a cop that starts on the left, and the first player to make it out the exit on the right wins. The game also includes of variety of options. The maze can be completely visible, completely invisible, or have just a few parts invisible. With invisible mazes you can optionally have the computer provide a sneak peak at the complete maze periodically. To make your task more challenging, one to five robbers may also be placed in the maze. If you are caught by one of the robbers, you will momentarily be stunned giving your opponent an advantage. You can also give your cop the ability to set up a blockade to confuse your opponent. This will look like a regular wall, however you can walk straight through it. The games speed can also be adjusted, from calculatingly slow to extremely fast.
Reindeer Rescue is the "unlimited" release of the 2005 Holiday Cart. Reindeer Rescue is an original homebrew game written by Bob Montgomery, author of the captivating homebrew game Go Fish! In Reindeer Rescue you must help Santa rescue his lost reindeer in a journey that has you starting at the North Pole, racing through frozen tundra, ice caves, suburbia, and the big city! But Santa is not the athlete he used to be (1943 state champion in 400m)--he has grown a little...girthy...around the middle. His doesn't have quite the energy he used to, and if it drops too low he'll fail in his task! Along the way Santa will encounter many objects in the air and on the ground--some will help and some will hinder, so be careful!
Reindeer Rescue features in-game artwork by Nathan Strum, and included a beautifully illustrated label and manual by Dave Exton, whose brush graces many homebrew games.
The fourth and final game in the SwordQuest series. Ever since the glorious history of this franchise with it's comics, merchandise, and competitions, the story sadly never got it's conclusion back then with the 3rd entry: Waterworld, being considered the last... until now! The Atari and Digital Eclipse Heavens have opened up to finally allow us to experience the 4th and Final Entry!
Ascend into the the heavens in Swordquest: AirWorld!
The game finally release 2022 as part of the Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration.
This extremely rare game was sold in the U.S. state New Jersey by Personal Games Company. The company marketed it as a great birthday gift. About ten copies of the game were sold. The cartridge was sold with a three folded manual sheet.
The cartridge has a red label with blue balloons on it and an empty space to write your name on. Each game is personalized to the boy or girl celebrating his or her birthday. When the game loads up it shows his or her name on the opening screen. The basic object of this game is to blow out candles as they fall toward you.
To serve, press the red button. You hit the ball by moving your player to where the shadow of the ball is about level with your feet. The racquet will swing automatically. When you serve, the ball must hit the front wall before it hits the floor. Your opponent can then hit the ball before it lands on the floor or he can let it bounce but you can only let it bounce once. It cannot bounce twice. You serve every time until you miss. If you are serving and your opponent misses, you get one point. You can only get points on rounds where you serve. First player to twenty-one points, wins.
In Elevators Amiss you are a maid working in a hotel gone crazy! Normally the night shift is pretty uneventful, but tonight the hotel's elevators have taken on a life of their own! You need to get to the top of the hotel, but the elevators are simply not an option. To get to the top floor you will need to race along each floor of the building to the stairs while avoiding the out-of-control elevators! And when you do reach the top, you're work isn't done as you need to tackle the next hotel, also suffering the same problem!
Space Tunnel is an action game developed by Bit Corp. and released on Atari 2600. In Space Tunnel\Space Robot you fly at hyper speed to an unknown galaxy's center and encounter strange creatures.
Bridge is a computerized bridge game for one player. The computer controls both your partner and your opponents, either of which can be set to an expert or novice skill level. In the novice game, you will be able to see your partners hand while bidding while in the expert game your partners hand remains hidden. For each game, you can choose to play to either 13, 21, 25, or 29 points. After a hand is finished, you have the option of replaying the same hand if you want to practice, or you can have the computer deal a new hand. If you don't like the way a hand is going, you have the option of restarting the hand to try again. Included with the game instructions is a complete guide to how your computer partner will bid in different situations in order to help you form your strategy. Bridge was designed for people who already know how to play the game, it won't teach you how to play.
In Skiing, your goal is to ski to the bottom of the mountain in the shortest time possible. The mountain is treacherous with plenty of trees and moguls in the way! There are two different modes of gameplay. In slalom mode, there are a series of gates you need to ski through; missing any will result in a penalty to your time. In downhill mode you just need to ski to the bottom as fast as possible. Each mode includes five different skill levels which affect the length of the course (and the number of gates in slalom mode.)
You're the commander of a submarine in enemy waters. Use your skills, radar, and luck to take down the enemy ships. With 8 difficulty settings there is a lot of the game to master as you must start to keep an eye on your fuel, torpedoes, radar, and enemy while avoiding depth charges as the difficulty rises. You can fire up to two torpedoes at a time. While enemy shows go by your periscope sink as many as you can. The periscope can turn 360 degrees and look off into the horizon or close to your sub. Some ships move slower than others, and one of the ships moves so fast that the only way to hit it is by tracking it by radar instead of visually.
This game was never released under any name by Atari. It was a Sears exclusive.