The story retells the story of the 1999 anime series, in which seven children; Tai (Taichi), Matt (Yamato), Sora, Izzy (Koushiro), Mimi, Joe and T.K. (Takeru), are mysteriously transported to the Digital World, where they meet monster companions known as Digimon. Using the power of the Digivice to evolve their Digimon partners into more powerful forms, Tai, his friends and their Digimon companions must work together in order to save both the Digital World and their own. The game also features the story of the film, Our War Game!, as well as original scenarios exclusive to this game.
As characters gain levels, they gain a passive stat increase for stats that help that particular character and gain power points, allowing the player to further define the abilities of that character. Each character has three power trees that they can spend points. Each of the trees generally focuses on a certain mechanic or play style, such as Iron Man's shields, Hawkeye's trick arrows, or Deadpool's guns. As the character gains levels the player has access to more skills to spend points on and is able to put more points into existing skills. Each skill has a level cap, so more points cannot be put in a skill until a certain level is reached.
Saint Seiya Online is a free to play MMORPG from China-based Perfect World, the publisher of Forsaken World, RaiderZ, and Rise of Europe. Based on the Japanese manga series of Saint Seiya and its anime TV series, Saint Seiya Online recreates the epic story that the Knights of the Zodiac battle against the Olympian gods.
Years after basketball was outlawed due to Charles Barkley causing the Great B-Ball Purge of 2041 by performing a Chaos Dunk, Barkley is framed for causing another such incident. In this turn-based JRPG and unofficial parodic sequel to Barkley: Shut Up and Jam! (1994) and the movie Space Jam (1996), he and a group of unlikely heroes set off to discover the truth of the matter and to relegalize basketball.
The game opens with a brief introduction to the city of Arland-- a city that is slowly being industrialized, but also a city that uses technology possessed by an ancient civilization. We are then introduced to the main character, Rorolina Frixell (Rorona, for short), who is forced to work for a master alchemist (Astrid Zexis) to pay off a debt her parents owe.
One day, Sterkenburg Cranach (Sterk, for short), a knight of Arland, comes to the alchemy workshop and informs Rorona that the shop will be shut down, unless she is able to prove that it can function in the city's economy. Over the next three years, she must pass 12 examinations to assess the ability of the workshop to do this.
Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu is a role playing video game and the first Dragon Ball game for the Super Famicom. It was released only in Japan on January 25, 1992.
Super Saiya Densetsu is a remake combining two earlier Famicom games of the Gokuden series: Dragon Ball Z: Kyōshū! Saiyan and Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza, but without the movie characters and anime filler elements that were featured in them.
Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It incorporates a 'good/evil character' morality/alignment system. Like its predecessor Hydlide II: Shine of Darkness (1985), the player has a morality meter that can be aligned with either Justice, Normal, or Evil. The game has both good and evil monsters. Evil monsters attack the player character on sight, while good monsters only attack if the player character attacks them first. Killing any monster, good or evil, results in a reward of experience points, money, and occasionally a piece of equipment. However, if the player kills a good monster, points are lost from a statistic called "MF" (Moral Fiber). If the player's MF stat drops to zero, frequent traps will appear across the world. If the player manages to keep it over 100, rewards appear in the form of random items found around Fairyland. The player can also kill good monsters, which usually lowers the morality meter. Unlike Hydlide II, however, the morality meter no longer affect
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is the latest entry in the Cladun fantasy action RPG series. You as the player will meet classic heroes from Japan's Sengoku Era and help the souls of the dead settle their unfinished business. Grant peace to these souls by traveling across feudal Japan and fighting your way through dungeons filled with monsters and traps!
Revelation Online is a free-to-play massive multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NetEase, under the title "Revelation" in China and Revelation Online in the rest of the world. It is published by in Europe and North America, and received an open release worldwide on March 6, 2017.
Watch out! The strangely charming troublemakers, Yo-kai, are back for an all-new adventure! Find, befriend, and battle more than 350 new and returning Yo-kai. Hop on a train to seek out new towns and new Yo-kai. Teaming up with the heroic cat, Hovernyan, travel back in time to save Springdale, and witness the origin of the Yo-kai Watch!
Reiha and Aldo grew up together as brother and sister on the tropical island of Jarazi, among a race of people with beast-like features. There they learned to commune with the Nature Spirits that surrounded them. One day, the Spirits began acting strangely, prompting Reiha and Aldo to investigate. Their quest to find out who or what is behind the corruption of the Spirits will lead them back to the human lands where the cataclysm first brought them together.
Ichika, a fisherwoman from the previous game, has plans to get married. However, during the night before Ichika's marriage, Shino, Izuna's best friend, disappears. Izuna frantically tries to find her and quickly locates her. Shino reveals that she was searching for her sister, Shizune, so Izuna and her friends decide to help Shino find Shizune.
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier is a unique sci-fi/fantasy RPG that takes players across a variety of worlds, ranging from an apocalyptic wasteland covered with the hulks of downed spaceships to a fantastical place of fairy tales and dark magic. Join Haken Browning: gunslinger, professional bounty hunter, and amateur ladies' man, along with his motley crew of robots, were-beasts, secret agents, and busty princesses as they delve deep into the mysteries of how their worlds came to be and face a threat that imperils the multiverse.
In this dino-tastic adventure, players get some hands-on time to hunt and clean fossils, and revive and battle vivosaurs. A fossil park is hosting a large-scale tournament in which competitors enter vivosaurs created from dinosaur fossils into competition. Fossil Fighters from all over the world battle their vivosaurs against one another to find out who will be crowned champion.
Players excavate and clean fossils. New giant fossil rocks (containing complete dinosaur fossils) and odd fossil rocks (which are two-sided) add to the fun of the cleaning process.
Once the fossils have been cleaned, they can be revived into Vivosaurs, which players can then arrange into teams for battles. The better the fossils have been cleaned, the more powerful the Vivosaurs are in battle.
Strategy is key in battles. Players must put forth teams of three vivosaurs, then rotate their positions to maximize their power advantage over opponents.
New “super evolver” vivosaurs evolve into new forms with the help of gold fossils.
Kingdom Hearts χ, stylized as Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], is a Kingdom Hearts game that is exclusive to PC browsers as the eighth game of the series. The game itself is free to play, but there are items available within it that can be purchased. Set before the events of the Keyblade War, Kingdom Hearts χ has simple, 2D graphics and allows all players to become Keyblade wielders.
Developed by Sonic Powered, From the Abyss allows players to explore the vast world of Rubenhaut through a unique world creation engine exclusively created for From The Abyss. The game also features an intuitive control scheme, lavish artwork, and an engaging 2 player co-op battle system.