Jeopardy! is a turn-based puzzle game developed by Sharedata and released by Sharedata in 1987. Jeopardy! runs on MS-DOS. This version of Jeopardy! was the first release based on the TV game show of the same name.
Konami later released an enhanced version of Salamander in Japan in 1987 bearing the American title of Life Force which further fleshes out the organic motif. All of the backgrounds and mechanical enemies are completely redrawn and given organic appearances. The power-up system was also modified, with the Japanese Life Force using the same power-up gauge as the original Gradius. Some music tracks have been completely changed for this release and the power-up gauge is arranged differently for both players.
Pinball Wizard is a German pinball game with one non-scrolling table. As usually, the goal is to use the three paddles to keep the ball as long as possible from falling off the screen. Hitting things on the playfield rewards points for the high score list which is saved on the disk. The table also features some additional extras to discover, e.g. hitting a certain spot when the letters "AMIGA" are glowing activates a multi ball. Also included is the option to influence the ball's direction by nudging the screen - but this eventually leads to a tilt.
Tournament Arkanoid is a sequel to the original Arkanoid, developed by Taito and published by Romstar in the United States in 1987.
The game has 32 stages with different arrangements of blocks, some of them are much more challenging than his prequel.
Duck (Chinese: 醜小鴨, a literal translation meaning Ugly Duck, also known as Duck Maze) is an unlicensed clone of Doki Doki Penguin Land, made for the Famicom in 1987 by Bit Corp. and released in Taiwan, Australia and Brazil by Bit Corp., HES and Dismac respectively.
Heli War is an arcade shooter game that takes place after the Russian War in 1962, a period of violence ensues, the victims are your own townspeople, and your mission is to destroy the enemy before he destroys you.
A Slovak text adventure recently re-released in English based around the subject of computer hacking and system penetration. It is an unofficial sequel to The Stig 3, by Fuxoft and there is important info that can help a user in this game. The story takes place in the (then) near future of 1991 in New York. You play as Tim Coleman, a programmer\hacker and your job is to hack Jack Ragger and clean out his accounts.
The Secret Of Little Hodcome is a text adventure from Zenobi Software with mild horror elements.
Once upon a time the player had a distant, and forgotten relative. That relative is no more meaning that the player has inherited a cottage in the tiny hamlet of Little Hodcome. After a bit of not-too-productive research, 'Where is this place?', off you trot to meet the estate agent.
Naturally, this being an adventure, all is not well in the English countryside and the object of the game is to uncover and vanquish whatever evil force lurks there.
The Mystery of Arkham Manor is a detective adventure horror game inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's fictionalized world of Arkham.
The player will play as the London Chronicle’s freelance reporter, and he will start the game moments after he arrives by train at the local train station. He has to be both reporter and detective to decipher what has been happening in the villag. But the only clue he has in his possession is Colonel Lemin’s intriguing letter.
During the gameplay there are several characters to be interviewed, objects to be picked up, photographs to be taken, stories to be reported, and questions to be made to the newspaper.