Seymour Goes to Hollywood, also known as Seymour at the Movies, is a platform and adventure game developed by Big Red Software and originally published in Europe by Codemasters in 1991. Players control Seymour, a small potato-like creature who wishes to be a film star. The film's script has been locked in a safe, meaning Seymour must solve puzzles by collecting and using objects scattered throughout the game in order to progress, ultimately retrieving the script and allowing filming to start.
The game was originally designed as part of the Dizzy series, with a working title of Movieland Dizzy, but the creators of Dizzy disagreed with the real-world direction the game had taken, despite it being 90% complete. The developers, Big Red Software, were given 12 weeks to create a new game with a different character. Seymour was adapted from Dizzy, with a new shape and fingers to differentiate the two.
Seymour Goes to Hollywood received both positive and average ratings from the video game press at the time, and was compar
Violence Fight received a sequel in 1991, which was technically released after Street Fighter II, but according to internet lore only three weeks part the two. Internet sources also claim that this update was originally called Violence Fight II in Japan, but there is no solid proof to that claim. The only available versions are named Solitary Fighter. It's generally the same game, although the two bosses from the original are playable here. When fighting in the wider arenas, mostly female mooks keep appearing one at a time to support the main opponent, which are taken out with a few hits, but nonetheless very annoying. The bonus rounds add a bear to the tiger, but both fights now take places in cages with bars so thick that it's sometimes hard to see what's going on.
With Videomation, everyone is an artist! Videomation has drawing tools, stamps and an animation feature that lets your imagination go wild! Use with the NES to create vivid pictures with spectacular colors - some you can even program to move! Add fun stamps to your drawing and direct the animation selection to make it come alive. Hook up your VCR with Videomation to create wonderful, crazy additions to your family videos. It's easy enough for everyone! Bring the action of a starship battle or the mystery of a dark forest into your home. Remember, the only limits to Videomation is your own imagination!
Shadow Dancer on the Master System retains a lot of the arcade game's content, but simplifies the graphics and sound to better suit the hardware. Stage layouts are slightly different, and the decision to use sprites similar in size to the arcade version means that fewer enemies can appear on screen at any one time. Sprite flicker is a common sight, and entire sections of stages are removed to save space. Unlike the arcade version, players cannot backtrack during either side-scrolling or boss sections, limiting player to a very small section of the screen during the boss fights.
The most striking omission in the Master System version of Shadow Dancer is the dog as an active character, but it is still available as a game mechanic. When a valid target is onscreen, the player must crouch. While crouched, the ninja magic icon will slowly transform into a a dog head. When the icon is completely full, it will move to the target enemy's location. Pressing attack will cause the dog to appear out of nowhere and attack the e
Trade Wars 2002 is a classic BBS door game that has been actively played since the late 1980s. The player controls a spaceship in a Star Trek-inspired universe, trading resources at a profit to build up a space empire of planets and space stations. It was later adapted to play over the internet and external tools were built to automate repetitive tasks. The game is still playable on many web BBSes today.
Your mission is to get the Poogaboo flea out of the depths of the cavern as soon as possible, use your jumping power correctly to climb its steep walls and take advantage of the ledges to take a new impulse that will take you quickly to the top of the cavern.
Starring: A Boy and His Blob
The Rescue of Princess Blobette tells the story of a young, male protagonist and his blob companion as they attempt to rescue the latter's girlfriend, the titular Princess Blobette. The damsel in distress has been imprisoned by the Antagonistic Alchemist within the highest tower of the Royal Castle on the planet Blobolinia. Like its predecessor, A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia, The Rescue of Princess Blobette is a puzzle-platformer in which the player directly controls the boy as he is followed around by the blob, who is controlled by the computer AI. The pair must navigate the various passages and floors of the castle to locate and free Blobette. The boy can only run back and forth, cannot jump or swim, and will die if he falls a long distance or comes in contact with dangerous objects such as flame throwers and sewer serpents. However, the blob can be made to turn into useful tools when he is fed jelly beans of various flavors. Each flavor causes a different transformation.
Mitsume ga Tōru is a 2D action platformer released in 1992. It was never released outside Japan. It contains 5 levels with a boss fight at the end of each level. The main character´s weapons are the third eye that shoots bullets, boomerangs or lasers and a spear (the Red Condor) that he can materialize from the air. The game is based on the manga and anime of the same name.
California, 1938. It had been one heck of a week for ace air racer and stunt pilot Cliff Secord, a week that had drastically changed his life. After his stunt plane was wrecked accidentally in a shootout between a couple of thugs and G-Men, the hoods had stashed an amazing stolen device in his cockpit. It didn't take long to figure out it was a rocketpack. And it took even less time for Cliff to become a target for half the city. The hoods wanted the stolen device back. So did its inventor, the famous, but eccentric American industrialist, not to mention the FBI, the U.S. Army, and the most menacing force of all, the Nazis! Even famous film star Neville Sinclair wanted the rocketpack. He had kidnapped Cliff's girlfriend, the gorgeous Jenny Blake, and was offering to exchange her for the device. Cliff had no time to ponder his desperate situation. There was only one course of action; he must become THE ROCKETEER!
It's the year 2029 and humanity faces certain extinction! An alien force led by the Supreme Commander Vile Malmort is positioned to destroy the earth.
The President had little time to act. He assembled the greatest scientists from around the globe to stop this menace. From their laboratory came mankind's last hope - the members of S.C.A.T.
The Special Cybernetic Attack Team has one goal: the utter destruction of the alien fleet. "They've sent an armada to conquer us. We've sent two warriors from S.C.A.T... It should be a fair fight."
Shredder wants to rule Manhattan, so he's saturated the neighborhoods with his henchemen. The heroes in a half-shell must out-ninja Shredder and his thugs before time's up in Times Square!
Put your best moves to the test against Bebop, Rocksteady, Triceratons, moussers, foot soldiers, gangs and assorted villains in 15 challenging missions.
For the first time ever two turtles can join forces to take on the enemy packed streets as a team. Choose Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo or Donatello to shell out each turtle's unique ninja talents.
Time is not on your side. You've got to beat the clock as you round up clues and battle it out in the real time fight sequences.
Lightning swords, known as Ken-Go in Japan, is an arcade 2D side-scrolling beat-em up - the game is set in a time when Ninjas and Samurai were active. The player is a samurai, armed with a sharp katana. He needs to go to the right, through locations in traditional Japan, and cut all the enemies that appear on his way. Holding down the attack button gives a special blow. At the end of each level a boss awaits - usually big, strong and durable.
The Treehouse is an educational point-and-click personal computer game developed for MS-DOS and then ported to Macintosh and the FM Towns, with Windows versions arriving later.
In Clystron you control a walker-like cyborg on its mission to find eight machine parts. The parts must be collected in the correct order. Whenever a part is found, a new transporter destination is unlocked. All parts must be found within a time limit of 15 minutes in order to complete the game.
The game is a very basic platformer with rather weired controls. You can only shoot or jump while walking. Moreover, you keep walking in one direction until you press the joystick down, which feels very odd in the beginning and makes the game quite hard to play.
Clystron was originally released for the C64 and later ported to the Commodore Amiga. Especially the C64 version was lauded for its great music and graphics.