Kinetik is an arcade adventure which features gravity, inertia and other real physics heavily. You control a round spaceship, which must be guided through the 44+ screens. Collect the letters P,A and X in that order and reach the end to win.
The object of the game is to perpetuate the race by introducing ten pods in the incubators which can be found all over the ship. The alien has an energy level which slowly decreases. The only way to restore the energy levels is dropping the pods in the incubators, or else devouring the little engineers to be found on board the ship. The creatures can defend themselves spitting paralysing acid, or hiding in the air vents, etc.
The ship consists of 142 areas divided into four zones, which are joined by doors or air vents. Each zone has various levels, which are entered by lift. To enter a lift, a door or a vent, you only need to place yourself in front of it, and duck.
Full title Oriental Hero
Publisher Firebird Software Ltd (UK)
Author(s) Tron Software (Michel Nass, Tommy Gardh)
Original price £1.99
This game belongs in the following series:
1. Ninja Master
2. Oriental Hero
The gigantic aquarium known as the "Deathbowl" has become so heavily polluted that the only remedy is to completely drain it by pulling out each of its four plugs. The robot Sweevo has been ordered to perform this task
Game for ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and Commodore 64 based on the British comic of the same name. Help Uncle Pigg edit and publish the comic in time by playing 3 mini games.
In Superstar Ice Hockey you control one of 20 NHL teams. The game has no license so you can't play with the stars. There are 4 groups with 5 teams. After the regular season the best 2 teams of every group are qualified for the playoffs. Worth mentioning is that you are playing always the center - the other players are controlled by the CPU. In the multiplayer mode you can only play friendly games.
Not to be confused with Atari Games' Rampart, Ramparts is in fact a clone of Bally Midways' Rampage, but with a medieval theme, and players are giant knights instead of monsters. The game is for one or two players simultaneously.
The game takes place on a single screen, where the player(s) can move left and right on one foreground plane, and the object is to destroy a castle, each phase, by scaling and punching the individual buildings until each, and all collapses. Buildings will often overlap, requiring some to be taken down before others. Players will be harassed by witches, goblins, archers and the like.
Bounder is back! Again your in control of a tennis ball, that bounces and bounces and bounces...
This time you must collect smart bombs to finish the game. You need to collect all of them: 16 smart bombs.
Avoid bad stuff for landing like sand, spikes, traps or enemies. Unknown squares, signed with an "?" awaiting you: sometimes helpful (higher/longer jumps, extra-time and soon) - other times they're traps too.
Excellent parallax-scrolling, nice graphics and sounds will give you a great time with this one, easy to play - but damn' hard to win!