The adventure continues as Peacock faces the incarnation of general Nobunaga Oda. Team up with Asura, a fiery spirit, Jukindo master Onimaru, and Zen master Kou Kaifou to fight Nobunaga's missionary minions with a vast array of Shingon spells! Travel to the mystic world of the Lotus mandala and defeat Hindu demons, dark boddhisattvas, and the shadowiest villain yet, the Phoenix!
TM Network: Live in Power Bowl is a Japanese-only Nintendo Family Computer game featuring the J-Pop group TM Network. The song used as the background music is "Come On Everybody" from their album Carol - A Day In a Girl's Life 1991
Jenny’s on her way to the theater to practice for an upcoming role. Her script gets stolen though and has to track the pages down in different stages which are entered through the hub world. Once you collect a key and memorize letters and numbers, you go to the theater and use them to unlock the combination lock. Jenny has 2 abilities: punching and kicking, and after picking up powerups, throwing stars and bug spray
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, until he meets Magical Taluluto-kun. Taluluto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such as girls, bullies, and numerous other challenges.
To save the kidnapped Iyona-chan, Talututo-kun teams up with Mimora and Honmaru and go on a magical adventure. Each character has their own special abilities, so they must work together to overcome the challenges they face.
In Empire City: 1931 which is set in 1931 you are a federal agent that has to eliminate all criminal activities in New York City. You must hunt the criminals down and shoot them one by one. To locate a criminal you just have to follow the arrow on the left or right of the screen. Killing criminals is done by moving the cross hair over them. A countdown timer will start counting down if a criminal starts shooting at you. You must kill the criminal before the timer reaches zero or you'll loose a life. New bullets can be collected by shooting at the bullet boxes that regularly appear in the game as other useful objects. The criminals sometimes take hostages for protection. Rescue these hostages for additional points.
Future Wars: Lios is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by Pack-In-Video, the same developers who brought us Die Hard (NES). In this game, you play as Cecilia and her army of robots. You must make it to Goinkia's castle and stop him from taking over. To do this, you must travel the overworld and select a location. Once you do, you must take out the enemy's commander robot and then the enemy's base. Then you will win and will be allowed to progress. Sometimes defeating enemies unlocks new weapons.
Mirai Shinwa Jarvas is a RPG developed and published by Taito. It is about a man named Jarvas who travels back in time from the future to conquer the world of the past and become the leader. You must get people to join your side and take over enemy castles.
This game is generally considered pretty bad by most. When you begin the game, you are given no information about where you are and where you should attempt to go. Once you find a town, you must join a guild. You can only increase your level by returning to the guild once you have accumulated enough experience.
Moai-kun is a puzzle video game developed and published by Konami for the Family Computer in Japan in March 1990. The game derives its themes from Easter Island; the player controls a sentient moai statue that must rescue other moai and escape each stage via a door before the timer expires. Although platforming elements are present, the primary challenge is to find a way to manipulate the objects in each stage to reach the distressed moai and rescue them while still leaving an avenue of escape to the exit door.
Moero!! Judo Warriors is a Family Computer video game that was released in 1990.
The box art shows competitors in an international judo tournament; flags of different countries like the Soviet Union, France, Brazil, the United States of America, and Japan are used to signify the eliteness of the virtual competition. Players must travel around the world in search of judo opponents. The player even gets to compete in the Summer Olympic Games under his discipline of judo after defeating five opponents. However, this would most like refer to either the 1992 Summer Olympic games in Barcelona, Spain because of the game release date. Nine opponents must be defeated in the Olympic Games in order to collect the gold medal. Losing some matches while winning other may result in the awarding of either the silver or the bronze medal.