Jason has taken the Golden Fleece from the gods! They are naturally upset and have imprisoned Jason in the Temple of Aphrodite with deadly Furies running overhead. You control Jason and your goal is to eliminate all of the Furies to move on to the next level. The Furies can be destroyed if they are hit with a magical brick from the roof of the temple. You are armed with an unlimited supply of stones, throwing a stone at the roof will cause a brick to fall (be careful, you'll lose a life if you hit yourself with a falling brick instead of the Furies). When a Fury is hit by a brick it is destroyed, but if you accidentally hit a Fury with a stone then it will multiply! The Furies will also be firing at you, and if you'll lose a life if hit. The game ends when you have no more lives left in reserve. Several difficulty levels are available.
From the left and right sides of the screen colored columns stretch towards the center of the screen in order to connect with their counterpart on the opposite side. The player is at the center of the screen where he can move up and down and has to shoot left and right at the extending columns before they connect.
Oink! is based on the fairy tale of the three little pigs. The big bad wolf is trying to blow down each of the pigs houses. You control each pig one at a time. The wolf is at the bottom of the screen and will blow a hole in the house one section at a time. Each time a hole is formed, the pig must patch it up quickly so the wolf can't get in. New materials are located at the top of the screen, and you need to grab them and place them in the holes as they are formed. The longer you last, the tougher the wolf will become! You start the game controlling the pig whose house is made of straw; when he is caught, you move on to the pig in the house made of sticks. Finally you will control the pig in the house made of bricks. When all three pigs have been caught by the wolf, the game is over.
You are shown a construction for five seconds. Your task then is to build that construction from memory using bricks which the player can find on the left and right sides of the screen. You have to watch out for a dog which will run into you if you don't dodge it, as well for a kid who will steal your ladder. As your construction gets higher you will also have to watch out for bolts of lightening from a thunderstorm. If your replica is correct and you are at the top of the building a helicopter will carry you off to the next construction site.
For decades, the weapons satellites have orbited Earth harmlessly. Now, for unknown reasons, they have dropped from the sky to obliterate mankind. You are a test pilot with an experimental craft that can stop the satellites. It is up to you to protect your home town.
You fly above your town's forcefield. Satellites will drop from the sky and show on the radar area at the screen top. You must fly to them and shoot them before they reach the town as they have the ability to penetrate the town's shields. Be aware of your fuel because if you run out of fuel, you lose a life. Also, be aware of the laser heat indicator just below the fuel gauge. If the laser gets too hot, it will not fire until it cools. The town's forcefield may not be able to stop the satellites, however, it will stop your craft so flying into it is detrimental to your health. In later levels, you must contend with meteors as well as satellites. You cannot shoot the meteors but they cannot penetrate the town's shields. You will be destroyed and lose a
Battle your way along the trail of enchantment to the lair of the evil dragon! Detailed fantasy gamescapes. Three separate Multi Load game chapters. Inventories of your strength, gold, dexterity, and articles of magic. Full-screen interiors of shops, caves, and hospitals.
Suicide Mission is an arcade action game similar to Asteroids. You control a microscopic submarine navigating the bloodstream of someone who has been infected by a virus. Your goal is to destroy the virus! Each time you shoot a cell infected with the virus, it will split up into smaller pieces. Eventually the pieces will be small enough that they can be destroyed. When everything has been destroyed, you can move on to the next, more difficult level. The game features three levels of difficulty, and you can choose one of two shooting styles for your submarine (single torpedoes, or rapid fire).
Juggle the red hot Fireball... before it becomes too hot to handle! Featuring: Up to six randomly moving Fireballs; Up to four players; Automatic indication of high scores for each player in the current session; Catch, aim, and release the Fireball. Five exciting games: Firetrap, Marching Blocks, Knock-a-Block, Migrating Blocks, and Cascade.
Defeat the Dracon Armada in challenging, realistic battle action. Featuring a real-time clock, energy indicator, Alien proximity indicator, torpedo status indicator, combat-range scanner, torpedo target-lock, Dracon fighter ships, shield status indicator, message display.
A gang of gangsters has holed themselves up in an apartment building and taken some hostages. The player has to shoot the gangsters as they slowly creep up behind the windows but at the same time has to avoid shooting any hostages. After the gangsters have appeared completely behind their windows they will shoot back at the player. Therefore the player has to act quickly. The same goes for Nitro Ed who is pacing along the top of the roof and throws hand grenades which will result in instant death, no matter how many lives the players has left.
After an earthquake has damaged the nuclear reactor of Spectra Island it is your task to prevent its meltdown. To do this you are in control of a robot arm with which you can grab the free-flying particles preferably before they have time to split and therefore raising the radiation level. The screen is separated into three sections from top to bottom (red, blue and yellow). Every section has an indicator at the bottom of the screen telling you where the radiation level is getting to high and therefore enabling you to decide on which section to concentrate your efforts for the moment. In later levels your have to be careful not to damage the circulation fans or you lose one robot arm. The game is over either after you have lost all your robot arms or you have cleared the ninth and final stage.
Your home planet is decaying. In order to survive you must evacuate the Space Kids from their dying planet. During the first section the player has to navigate a kid from the bottom of the screen to the safety of the hoverivng space ship at the top of the screen. In doing so he has to dodge several obstacles like plasma or hostile skeeters. After having reached the space ship the player takes control of the ship. While other kids are hunted by skeeters in their attempt to reach the space ship the player tries to protect them in shooting at the skeeters who are pursuing the fleeing kids. Every killed skeeter amounts to 100 points - every saved kid adds another 1500 points to the score. After getting 5000 points the game proceeds to the next more difficult level.
You are facing six conveyor belts which are transporting cakes from the left side of the screen in your direction. You have to catch the cakes when they reach the end of their line and prevent them from dropping on the floor. Since the conveyor belts run at different speeds it sometimes happens that two cakes reach the end of their respective lines at the same time. So that you will not drop one of the two cakes you can push a button which will halt the conveyor belt of your choice for four seconds so that you can take of each cake one at a time.
Close to your outpost in space a group of dormant space termites awkens and starts building a nest. You try to stop the invasion and destroy the would-be nests the termites are building. In shooting the invaders you can destroy them, however, you cannot get rid off the already placed nest blocks as easily since they have to be energized before they can be destroyed. In order to achieve this, you have to shoot a nest block while it is still being carried by the approaching termites. If you have accomplished that the already placed blocks can be shot down - at least until you hit a termite's body and the placed nest blocks will de-energized again.
You are a robot - the last "survivor" in the mines of Minos. In order to still win against the overwhelming enemy you must collect robot spare parts to build yourself a small army. In order to achieve this you rummage through the maze-like mines in search for the spare parts while the enemy is hunting you. You can kill your pursuers in dropping a grenade but have to keep in mind that you only can drop one grenade at a time. After the enemy is killed it will respawn somewhere in the maze. After having found a spare part you must carry it to a predesignated safe place. You can move to different levels in the mine while pressing the joystick button and leaving the screen through the exits on the left and right sides of the screen. In order to win the game you have to get level five where you have to run into three stationary enemies. To accomplish this, you need at least two spare robots, since you will destroy one of yours every time you hit one of the three targets.
The two-player mode lets one player control the r
In this Berzerk-like game you are in a room which is surrounded by several hostile snipers. Just before the snipers shoot at you a door in front of them will open allowing the bullet to pass. It is your task to eleminate the snipers in shooting through the opening doors while your are shot at, dodging the enemies' bullets but still stying to hit your mark. To make matters worse, a monster will respawn randomly in the room you are trapped in whenever you have killed it. After having killed all snipers you move to the next more difficult level.
Spider Fighter is a Space Invaders style game. It is your mission to prevent space spiders from stealing your food reserves which are located on the top right of the screen. The spiders hatch from cocoons which are dropped from the top left of the screen. Since the spiders are able to attack you, your reactions are tested quite soon as you attempt to dodge the enemies and their bullets while trying to shoot them down. If you you lose all your food reserves or your lifes, it's game over. The enemy moves faster the more progress you make in the game.
You control a small plane and have to fly slalom around a preset amount of pylons. You have to pass the red pylons on the right side and the blue ones on the left side. Missing a pylon will result in a three second penalty. Flying into the pylons, trees or hot-air balloons will cost you time as well. There are five different game modes: The first four game modes only differ in terms of the number of pylons you have to pass (25, 50, 75, 99). In th fifth game mode you still have to pass 99 pylons but they are placed along the course randomly. You can also change the difficulty level from easy to hard which will place obstacles like trees either directly in your line of flight or out of your way.
You are on a moon-based scouting mission in a Mark 16 Starcruiser. Suddenly, enemy alien ships teleport in and start firing neutron missiles, which can destroy you upon impact. You must destroy enemy ships until reinforcements arrive from Earth. The enemy also have laser-directed heat-seeking proton missiles which are fired sparingly. Be aware that as the battle progresses, the aliens will become more desperate and will use the laser-directed heat-seeking proton missiles more often.
As a commander of a spaceship you explore an unknown planet and are soon attacked by its inhabitants - the Electrosauri. You are shot at from above as well as from the sides and it becomes increasingly difficult to fend off the attackers the further the game progresses. The game allows the player to play several variations (e.g. difficulty level, number of enemies on screen, attack patterns etc.).