Based on the film that's an adaptation of the Street Fighter franchise. Street Fighter: The Movie is a 2D, one-on-one fighting game that utilizes digitized graphics. You have a selection of 16 playable characters, 14 are immediately available and two are hidden. The roster mostly contains the familiar Street Fighter cast, even including some that are not in the film, such as Akuma. In addition, some characters are exclusive to this very game such as Sawada and Blade.
This game is not to be confused with the home ports of Street Fighter: The Movie and it and the Arcade version are regarded as separate games. While the home ports use assets contained in the Arcade original, the stages and overall gameplay are different. The Arcade original features more experimental mechanics, whereas the home ports contains more traditional Street Fighter gameplay, mostly in the vein of Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
Action Hollywood is a top-view hack and slash arcade game released by TCH in 1995. Gameplay is similar to "Gauntlet." You can choose to start at a Hollywood shoot set in "Temples of Chaos," "Excaliwood," "Transilvania" or "Galaxy War."
Alien Challenge is a 2D versus fighting game in which you take control of one of eight eight fallen gods, taken down to the mundane world to atone for their actions.
Each fighter has their own moveset, with three punch buttons, three kick buttons, and command inputs that use those six buttons.
The seven other playable characters must be defeated to reach the final opponent, boss character Claus.
Often also refered to as Cobi Comi, after the two kobold protagonists, the game offers standard platforming fare by Senori Box, who should disappear after a few more announcements of games that got never released, only to re-emerge years later as Jaemi Inneun Nyeoseokdeul (재미있는 녀석들).
The game is a side-scrolling "beat-'em-up" game, one or two players pick their desired Senshi and travel through various stages defeating enemies. Items are sometimes dropped by enemies that can range from items that restore health, give extra points, or crystals that allow the Senshi to perform special attacks. Up to five crystals can be collected per player to power up the Senshi's special attacks. During the most difficult moments in battle, Tuxedo Mask will appear and throw a rose, which is a bonus to pick up and depart.
Extreme Downhill was produced by American Sammy in 1995.
American Sammy released 12 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1991.
Other machines made by American Sammy during the time period Extreme Downhill was produced include Zombie Raid, Wild West, Coin Circus, Eagle Shot Golf, Krazy Bowl, Simple Simon, and Daioh.
Excelsior is an adult-themed shooter game with puzzle elements featuring photographic images of nude women. The objective of each stage is to destroy the blocks to reveal the naked woman hidden behind them.
At the start of the game the player selects one of three player characters, and then selects one of five girls (and one guy) as the person hidden in the bonus stage.
In each regular stage the player uses a powertool to drill away at the blocks obstructing the view of the nude girl underneath. Various enemies appear at regular intervals and must be avoided or destroyed with gunfire or bombs. Occasionally various power-ups appear that the player may collect for more fire-power or drilling power. Once 65% of the obstructing blocks have been destroyed, the background image goes from a dark, shaded image to a bright, full color image. And the level is cleared after 81% of the blocks are cleared.
After each stage the player returns to the same bonus stage. Here the player clears a wall of bricks with no enemi
Cool Riders is the spiritual sequel to Sega's OutRunners. It has a similar premise to OutRunners, though rather than driving cars, the player rides bikes. It also uses digitized graphics similar to Mortal Kombat.
A motorbike racing game featuring 2 courses; Greenhill: A high-speed track along the coastline and Neo Yokohoma: A futuristic technical course in an urban area at night.
The gameplay has you thrown into a particular hitman's home turf and you must use every weapon imaginable as well as anything you can find in the environment (including the environment itself) to try to kill your competitor. Weapons can be typical like a rocket launcher or machine gun or absurd like a clown cannon or a bowl of hot soup. Despite dealing with a competition about murder, the game has a levity to it in all aspects.
The levels are also a star part of this game as they are varied and, in many cases, will begin to collapse as time goes on. This means that if the player doesn't kill his competition in a set amount of time the level will literally start crumbling around you. The levels take place in various interactive locations, involving inside a plane, a moving train, an office building or even at the circus.
A one or two player shooter game developed by NMK and published by Jaleco Ltd. in 1995. As in the original, you control an airplane scrolling from left to right shooting at lots of enemy airplanes. This game has excellent explosions.