Windia, an 18-year-old girl living in London, mysteriously vanishes after being drawn into a flash of light. Awakening in the Otherworld, Windia arrives in a Western city reminiscent of the early 20th century, and is cared for by Dior, an elderly lord.
Discovering there is no way home, Dior reveals to Windia that she is one of the ‘lost children’, those with magical powers chosen to protect the kingdom. Known as ‘Angels’ by the people and beloved for their bravery, Angels protect the peace and ensure a good life for all.
However, the gates of Hell are overflowing, allowing monsters to cross the planes and attack human beings. It is up to Windia and her new sisters to defend the city and purge the evil menace.
Deathsmiles is a side-scrolling shoot –em-up that went into arcade operation on October 19th 2007, and was later released on the Japanese Xbox 360 in March 2009. Unlike other shooting games, Deathsmiles is designed with a left/right shooting mechanic, surrounding you with enemy units and gunfire f
Otomedius Gorgeous is the Xbox 360 port of Otomedius Arcade, a side scrolling shooter by Konami which featured personification of space fighters from various Konami games like Gradius, Xexex, Salamander and Parodius. The name is a pun, being a portmanteau of the terms "otome" (meaning "maiden" in Japanese) and "Gradius". It was released for the Japanese Xbox 360 in November 20, 2008.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Stimulus Package is a commercial DLC for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It adds five new multiplayer-maps:
- Bailout (An apartment complex)
- Overgrown (A village with open fields; known from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
- Crash (An urban area; known from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
- Salvage (A snowy junkyard)
- Storm (A warehouse complex)
Onslaught is a cooperative game-mode featured in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as downloadable content, putting four players against enemy AI on redesigned variants of Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes and Nelson Bay, each having their own dedicated gameplay focus.
Based on the 80s movie of the same name, this fighter aircraft simulator game offers 10 single-player levels consisting on dogfights, escort missions, target destroy missions, air-to-ground bombings, et cetera. It also features a multiplayer dogfighting mode with up to 4 players. The game plays from a 3rd person point of view of the fighter and is rendered in full 3D.
CyberStrike is a futuristic 3D combat online game by Simutronics Corporation, involving team combat between customizable mechs, each of which is controlled by a different player.
Initially exclusive to the GEnie online service, it opened in February 1993, and later that year it caused Computer Gaming World magazine to create the new category of "Online Game of the Year" so it could be awarded to CyberStrike. In 1994 it was offered in stores by MicroProse.
The game consists of 10 missions. Each mission takes place in a vast cavern, with interesting weather conditions. You must explore it and complete the mission objectives -- usually collecting sub parts, rescuing trapped miners, or destroying giant, epic bosses. You can also explore the levels, but keep an eye on your fuel gauge and beware the many hazards!
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter is the second Digital Expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It centers around the addition of player-vs-player space combat and ship customization.
In the distant future, human governments, across the planet Earth, construct a massive supercomputer, named "Con-Human". The purpose of this computer is to govern the planet's environmental systems, verifying proper nutrients and care is provided to ensure the culture of humans and animal alike.
However, disaster strikes when, after a cloned human's mind is linked with the system, Con-Human becomes sentient and insane. It begins to induce calamities across the planet, constructing corrupt clones of existing organisms, destroying its human masters and exterminating the nature it was intended to protect, apparently intending to replace everything with what Con-Human considers improved versions of themselves.
After prolonged war, Con-Human has succeeded in exterminating 99.8% of humankind, with the remnants fleeing to space colonies. Meanwhile, Con-Human remakes the very interior of Earth. As a result, Earth, as humanity knew it, has utterly ceased to exist, transformed into a planet-sized mobile fortress that is in
In a grim future where a once-benevolent alien technology has turned against humanity, only a ragtag group of ace pilots can save the Earth from total annihilation. Code name: Thunder Force! Witness the first 32-bit installment of the massively popular shooter series! Five spectacular weapons with multiple power-up levels let you blast through waves of metallic predators, and look good doing it. A constant barrage of innovative enemies keeps you intrigued while you struggle to stay alive. A speaker-imploding soundtrack has your foot tapping as your fingers are mashing. Unbelievable rendered cutscenes draw, no-DRAG you kicking and screaming into the action. Put simply, it's the ultimate hardcore gaming blast-o-rama!
Released by Namco in the summer of 1980, King & Balloon is a shoot em up in the vein of Galaxian, but trades the outer space theme for pseudo-medieval setting. In the game, the player controls two green men who carry a cannon, as they defend the king below them from getting abducted by the balloons above, which keep invading the lower part of the screen while also shooting projectiles. Once all the balloons are shot down, the game moves on to the next level.
One thing that makes King & Balloon unique is that you don't lose a life when hit. Rather, you respawn and keep on playing. The only way to lose a life is letting the king get abducted. Another interesting mechanic of note is that the balloons stop attacking and descending when one grabs ahold of the king, and they will keep still until the king is back on the ground. This creates a risk versus reward mechanic and entices you to let the balloon carry the king high enough so you can take out more balloons, then rescuing the king just in time.
King & Balloon wa
Cube 2: Sauerbraten (German for "sour roast", also known as Sauer) is a cross-platform, Quake-like first-person shooter that runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X using OpenGL and SDL. The game features single-player and multiplayer gameplay and contains an in-game level editor. The game engine is free and open-source software, under the zlib License, with commercial support available from the developer's own business counterpart, Dot3 Labs. The game media is released under various non-free licenses. The aim of the project is not to produce the most features and highest-quality graphics possible, but rather to allow map-editing to be done in real-time within the game, while keeping the engine source code small and elegant.
The sequel to Captain Forever, Successor promises a variety of new ship parts, like torpedoes, homing missiles, ramming spikes, and auto-repair systems.
Timefight Zone is a Co-Op FPS that is best described as a mix of Left 4 Dead, Timesplitters, and Serious Sam. It's still very early in development, and you can see exactly how early by checking out our development videos!