Tooki Yobigoe is a direct sequel to Mamono Hunter Yōko: Makai kara no Tenkōsei, continuing where the story of the previous game left off. Yohko, Shoma and Setsuna are attacked by demons on the flying ship, and have to use their recently found powers to fend them off. As opposed to the previous game, where Shoma was the protagonist, Yohko is the player character in the sequel.
Gameplay-wise, the puzzle-less Japanese adventure format is further utilized. Verb commands must be selected from a menu and sometimes combined with objects or character names for interaction. It is often necessary to repeat commands several times to trigger the next event.
Coinciding with the movie a cross platform game was developed, the Game Boy port was the only one not developed by Probe Software, but Bits Studio instead.
Also unlike the other games, this version is fully played with a top down perspective.
The Lost Treasures of Infocom II is a collection of text adventure games from interactive fiction pioneer Infocom, published by Activision in 1992. It was available for MS-DOS and Apple Macintosh, and also as a cross-platform expanded CD-ROM version. This follow-up compilation was released following the commercial success of their previous collection, The Lost Treasures of Infocom, which contained 20 of Infocom's most popular games.
The 11 games included in all versions are:
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Border Zone
Hollywood Hijinx
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
Plundered Hearts
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
The CD-ROM version included three additional games:
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur
James Clavell's Shōgun
The package contains an instruction manual reprinting all of the games' manuals, as well as a few pack-in items from Sherlock and Trinity. However, it leaves out the InvisiClues hint booklets from the original games,
Angst: A Game Of Urban Survival is a single player, shareware adventure game based on the Los Angeles riots of 1992.
The game uses a DOS Window to frame and run the game. The player starts the game and is shown a scene which puts the player on a motorway junction outside the city. They then use the menu bar to select an attitude with which to approach the scene and an item, attitudes range from Conservative to Green while the items range from an uzi to a breath mint.
The player then enables their mouse and clicks on the picture, anywhere that is coloured yellow is a link to something, sometimes the link does not do a great deal, for example in 'The Fun Zone' clicking on another character brings up a message "You refrain from romance because you do not know your partner's antibody status". Other hot spots though open up other scenes and this is how the player progresses through the game.
What is the point of the game? Who knows? The game's documentation is deliberately enigmatic saying only:
"Object of Game : Up t
Alice in Wonderland is a game based on Lewis Carrol's classic story. The game is a side-scrolling adventure game in which the player controls Alice in her quest to return home from Wonderland. There's over 40 different characters to speak with including important characters from the book such as the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Spade. Not all the characters are all too willing to help you getting home.
In this educational game from MECC the player travels through Africa in the place of an ill Henry Morton Stanley in search of Dr. Livingstone. The player runs into several native African tribes and learns of their cultures, their trade preferences, and how to manage a team of porters that aid in the search. There are also many geographical aspects to the game, such as learning about Africa's major rivers, lakes, swamps, mountain ranges, etc.
'Twas a time of dread. The land, once so fair, now ravaged by the greatest pestilence since the time of the "Black Wanderer" and the "Unborn one". Three thousand years have passed, years in which the once beautiful land has all but been destroyed.
For three thousand years nothing has been heard of the "Mysterious Stranger", but now on a dark, wet and windy night be returns, to you, a descendent of the "Singer of the Song". You are a mere child, still flushed with the vigour of youth, but it is to you he comes. You who have never done anything heroic in all of your seventeen years.
Hexuma: Das Auge des Kal sends you into an old, supposedly haunted mansion, which turns out to be a gateway to six different periods in Earth’s history. Travel from the age of dinosaurs to the distant future and bring back six crystal shards to battle the sinister god Kal.
Superman (known in Europe as Superman: The Man of Steel) is a video game released by Sunsoft for the Mega Drive/Genesis in 1992. It is based on the DC Comics character of the same name. It is a traditional single-player side-scrolling arcade game where the player controls Superman through various levels in an effort to defeat the evil supervillain named Brainiac. Other super villains, as bosses, include The Prankster, Metallo and Mister Mxyzptlk.
A Legend of Zelda inspired game in which the player guides a character who converts non-believers, fights demons, and ultimately goes up against Satan himself.
Based on the Italian comics character Dylan Dog, London "nightmare detective", Gli Uccisori (The Murderers) is another volume created by Tiziano Sclavi himself and is a side-view action platform game with puzzle elements.
After the nightmare Dylan saw in his dream, he received the invitation from one mysterious person to visit a mansion along with many other people. Accepting the invitation, Dylan (clothed in his signature red shirt, black jacket, and blue jeans) entered the house and took part in the sumptuous feast. But the wine was poisoned, and the part of guests were the murderers. Dylan, remembering the nightmare, just in case took the revolver with him. And here it all starts...
You as Dylan should move around the house, fight with the murderers with bare hands, with revolver, or with weapons found in the house such as knife, screwdriver, sword, or maul. You should find certain keys to open certain doors. Also after killing certain murderers, you'll be provided with certain secrets given to you by the surv