Telejogo II is the sequel to the dedicated Pong clone home video game console made by the Brazilian subsidiary of Philco-Ford in 1979, now including ten games in the memory.
Top-down space shooter in which the player's and his opponent's spacecrafts are at the opposite sides of the screen. Both try to shoot their opponent first while moving left and right. Space debris is floating between both players and blocking the respective shots. Furthermore the energy level for the laser has to be filled to the max in order to reach the other side of the screen (and therefore your opponent).
Basicly a Space Invaders clone in which the aliens are aligned on the far left and right side of the screen. They move into the middle of the screen in order to snatch their prey and bring them back to the far left or right side respectively. The player's task is to prevent this.
One of the very first erotic video games ever released. Gameplay is comprised of a strip variation of rock-paper-scissors, based on a concept popularized by "Konto 55-gou no urabangumi wo buttobase!", a variety show which ran from April 27, 1969 to March 29, 1970. Players set how many articles of clothing they would like their opponent Megumi to wear, and after each victory she removes one piece until she is nude.
Originally released for Sharp MZ-80K systems on cassette and sold at Personal-computer Shop Kouchi, it was later ported to Sharp MZ-700 in a bundle with Breakout clone 'Rowdy-Ball', and as a type-in program published in 'MZ-700 Joyful Pack.'