After creating your character you travel through the universe in search of loot, treasures and getting on quests in order to become the ultimate adventurerer.
Subterranea is Imagic's entry into the Defender category. Subterranea's gameplay is broken into two types of screens. The first is a side view dogfight between your ship and some hapless enemies that are trying to home in on it. Things heat up in the second (and far more common) type of screen, which consists of Defender-style action minus the humanoids. You're required to shoot a specific number of aliens, then pass through a gate to the next stage.
Like Defender, aliens come in all shapes and sizes, and have varying attack patterns. Some of them shoot at you, some bounce, but all the action is a far cry faster than Defender. Once all the aliens are destroyed, you must pass through an electro gate that zaps in certain patterns--failing this forces you to repeat the current level without scoring any points. After at least three Defender style screens, it's back to the dogfight. Subterranea awards extra lives not by scoring, but by completing stages without being hit. while Subterranea borrows concepts from other g
It's a lovely day and Sam is waiting in Central Park to meet his girlfriend Sally. He sees her and walks to her. He only has eyes for her and before he realizes it he finds himself in the New York sewer system.
Three Russian submarines have been located in the New York sewer system and they have blocked off the system. Sam's only way out of the sewer system is to destroy the Russian submarines. Luckily, Sam carries his revolver. Sam can't go back... once he's gone through the City Sewer Department seals the tunnel. Luckily, Sam carries his revolver.
Diggger is an action game in which the player digs tunnels, attempting to collect all of the emeralds on each level without being caught by monsters. The regular 'Nobbin' monsters are easily outwitted at first since they can't dig tunnels for themselves. However the game becomes more difficult as the amount of dug tunnels increases, and superior 'Hobbin' monsters begin to appear.
Mr. Do!, that king of arcade clowns, is in a bit of a bind - again! This time, a pack of pesky unicorns is trampling the bricked hallways of his castle. Help Mr. Do! rid his dwelling of these crafty, quick-changing (and deadly) creatures with the skillful swing of a hammer. Sometimes a quick clobber to the head will do it. Or maybe a well chosen brick knocked out from above. If you can't stop these critters, then break a hole in the floor to slow 'em down. It's up to you to know when to fight - or when to flee! Tension mounts as you hurry Mr. Do! through the castle's maze, grabbing keys along the way. Only when Mr. Do! has collected all the keys can he unlock the castle door, and open up an extra chance to beat these nasty critters!
There are two modes of play: fighter or bomber. You fly along moving a computer generated airplane and shoot at computer drawn target boxes superimposed over real laser disk images filmed over some desert and other real objects. You have a gun and a bomb button.
The Dragonriders of Pern is a series of science fiction stories written primarily by Anne McCaffrey.
The purpose of the game is for the player to battle Thread and engage in diplomacy on Pern.
Pernese people are described as belonging to four basic groups: Weyrfolk (including Dragonriders) who live in the Weyrs, the Holders who live in the Holds (cities, towns and farms), the crafters who live in Crafthalls (or are assigned to work their crafts in certain Holds), and the Holdless who have no permanent home (including traders, displaced Holders, and brigands).
One of the main threats to Pernese civilization in the series is Thread, which is described as a mycorrhizoid spore that periodically rains down on the planet due to the orbit of the Red Star.
Make a time journey into the year 2084.
The SYBORGS, a superhuman race of Technocrates, developed a computer of the 10th generation. A computer with more RAM and more artificial intelligence as all other computers built by the mankind.
The SYBORGS swore to tell the secret, which is connected with this computer, to the best and greatest computer developer of the mankind.
The managers of all prominent computer companies sent their best developers to this future war.
They have to fight against each other. One against the other one.
Only the best can experience the secret of the SYBORGS.
Pinball Construction Set created a new genre of video games - the "builder" or "construction set" class of games.
Users can construct their own virtual pinball machine, by dropping controls onto a table. Controls included bumpers, flippers, spinners and other standard pinball paraphernalia. Attributes such as gravity and the physics model could also be modified.
Users could then save their creations and develop custom artwork to go along with them. As Pinball Construction Set itself was not needed to play the tables, they could be freely traded online or on a floppy disk.
Juno First is a shoot 'em up originally developed and published by Konami Corporation for Arcades. The game was later published by Mylstar Electronics (US arcades), Datasoft Inc. (Atari 8-bit, PC Booter, and Commodore 64), and Sony Computer Entertainment Japan (MSX).
Juno First is a top down, vertical scrolling shooter in which there is a limited amount of time to defeat the enemies in each wave.
The players spaceship starts out with a laser that has a longer reach than the enemy weapons. The enemies start out firing a few bullets at the ship but the amount enemy fire rapidly increases as players progress through to the next waves.
Certain enemies fire tracking missile-like projectiles that can shoot additional bullets.
Once upon a rainbow in a land at clouds and sky, a great misfortune occurred. One night. while the inhabitants slept someone stole the colors of the rainbow. The next morning, when the terrible deed was discovered, a great sorrow settled over the land.
No longer did people go merrily gallumping about. No longer did minstrels sing the happy songs of the realm. And worst at all. not a single smile could be found on the faces of the children. They all stayed in the shadows listlessly mumbling to themselves.
Only the wizard of the royal court was not hopeless. For in reading the ancient text, he discovered the spell of the magical, musical. shoes. When the King was told the colors might be restored through this spell. he sent for Cedrick. his bravest subject.
When Cedrick put on the magic shoes. wherever he stepped. color and music burst forth. Armed With the shoes. Cedrick went to the tippity, toppity most cloud and saw where the darkened rainbow was and. with a mighty hop. launched himself upon it. Now this task wa
As a cat burglar, it's up to you to collect all of the valuable paintings from each level while avoiding security systems, pits and robotic sentries which move back and forth. Each level is comprised of three floors and ladders connecting them. Your cat burglar has only the ability to jump, and you must rely entirely on that to keep you alive.