Bonze is a Buddhist monk passing through Hell with only his prayer beads to protect him in this horror-themed Arcade platform.
Bonze Adventure, or Jigoku Meguri ("Hell Tour"), is an Arcade platformer featuring the eponymous Buddhist monk Bonze has he makes his way through the Shinto/Buddhist equivalent of Hell. He is beset by demons and yokai from all sides but is able to exorcise them with his prayer beads, which are thrown outwards with a bouncing motion.
Jigoku Meguri was first released to the Arcade in 1988 and later saw a Japan-only PC Engine port in 1990.
Pac-Mania is a variation on the game Pac-Man. You need to guide Pac-Man around a maze and eat all of the dots on the board in order to proceed on to the next round. Numerous, multi-colored ghosts also roam the maze trying to stop you. If you eat one of the power pellets in the maze, the ghosts will temporarily turn blue and run from you. Pac-Man can earn bonus points by eating the ghosts when they are in this state. The maze is now shown in isometric perspective and is larger than screen which will scroll to follow the action. To help get out of tight spots, Pac-Man now has the ability to jump. But be careful, because some of the ghosts have learned this trick as well and you could end up in a mid air collision!
A port of the original Macintosh title, Ishidó: The Way of Stones for Game Boy is a puzzle board game consisting of a set of 72 stones and a game board of 96 squares.
You are Little Mac, a 17 year-old rookie fighter straight out of the Bronx. What you lack in size you more than make up for in determination. Spurred on by your trainer, Doc Louis, it's time to take on the world's boxing best!
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! was re-branded simply as Punch-Out!!, and re-released in the US and Europe in 1990. When Nintendo's license had expired with Mike Tyson, his likeness was replaced by a fictional character named Mr. Dream, whose visual likeness and undefeated record are based on Rocky Marciano. This version of the game is used in all Virtual Console releases, Animal Crossing, the NES Classic Edition, and on Nintendo Switch Online (which Mike Tyson contested).
Out Zone is a vertically scrolled run and gun video game set in the future of the year 2097, where an alien race from the fictional planet Owagira are threatening to wipe out humanity. After multiple failed attempts to defend Earth against their attacks, players assume the role of cyborg mercenaries recruited by the United Nations in a last-ditch effort to overthrow the invaders
Dick Tracy is a mystery/action game based on the comic strip. Most notable for its extremely unforgiving gameplay; Dick Tracy let's you take control of a police detective out to solve crimes by combining clues to make an arrest on a list of suspects.
In cahoots with exiled alien zap master Krang, the evil Shredder has once again kidnapped the dashing damsel of the news desk, April O'Neil. To rescue this ravishing reporter, you must return to the sewers and dredge forth those reptiles with a penchant for pizza and all the nifty knifework of a chop suey chef. You'll control every move of Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Raphael as they arm themselves with head-rattling Nunchakus, back-stabbing Sai Swords, and liver-lashing Katana Blades. Of course, this once in a light year adventure will really start rumbling the nanosecond you bust into 5 never-before-seen levels of Manhattan mayhem, including the Traffic Jam, Waste Dump Ravine and Technodrome Tower. Here you'll perfect the ancient art of icing, dicing and shuriken-slicing. And you'll get the chance to wipe the smirks off the faces of all-new creepshow freaks like Roadkill Rodney, Shell Shocker and that nasty villain Filet O'Filth. So get back into your shell and start snapping away, before April goes fro
Penguin Wars is an arcade game released in 1985 by UPL. It was ported to the original Game Boy (1990), MSX and Nintendo Entertainment System by ASCII under the title Penguin Wars. The Game Boy version of the game is known as King of the Zoo in Europe and Penguin-Kun Wars Vs. in Japan.
Little League Baseball! It's the game every kid in America loves to play... And now you can experience the fun and excitement of Little League Baseball at any time of the year, rain or shine, day or night - right in your own living room!
Create your own winning team of players with batting, fielding, pitching, and running characteristics you can tailor to your own specifications. Then challenge a friend or the computer to a worldwide Championship Series tournament.
You are in full control of your players: Jump or dive for a tricky catch... Choose a full swing or a bunt for your batter... Shift fielders at will... Send in a pinch hitter or runner... Select a fast ball, slow ball, or curve ball for your pitcher... Steal a base if you dare... Or you might even try a squeeze play!
Little League Baseball has been an American institution for 50 years - and you can be a part of it. If you're a Little League fan or a Little League player - or if you ever wanted to be - here's your chance to go for the glory!
The excitement of one of the America's most popular party games comes to the NES with Pictionary. Not only are the elements of the board game there, but so are several picture-based mini-games. Additionally, this version can be played solo, whereas the board game requires at least three people.
The basic objective of Pictionary is for a person on a team to try and illustrate a word he or she has been given using only drawings. The team must guess what is being illustrated within a certain amount of time. As a reward for guessing the puzzle correctly, the team gets to advance on a board. The team that makes it to the end of the board first wins.
In addition to the classic drawing aspect to the game, there are also four mini-games to be played in order for a team to win. These include "Attack of the Paint Zombies" (similar to Space Invaders), "The Warehouse Shuffle" (moving crates from one side of a warehouse to another as gremlins try to steal them), "Four Alarm Rescue" (catching people as they jump out of windows
500 years ago, the Kingdom of Granville fought a terrible war with Darces the Dark Overlord. A great hero, the warrior "Magi", rose to challenge Darces. He owned six magical swords and a powerful suit of armor that was impervious to all but the most powerful of magic. Five of his six swords were Elemental blades, each created from the rarest metals on earth. The sixth blade, "Tores", used an even more powerful metal. Using his powers, Magi defeated Darces, and exiled him to a far away land. After defeating Darces, Magi grew old and died. Now, on a dark, stormy night in the Kingdom of Granville, Darces the Dark Overlord returns to the land. According to an old saying, "When the shadowed veil returns to mask the midday sun, the Fire of Serpents will rise again; Five shall become the One. The elements now heed his call, and hope is born alive; We will have our peace once more when One becomes the Five."
The single-player, side-scrolling action game takes the player through various levels, each with a circus theme, fighting various enemies and bosses until he finally defeats the ringmaster and save his sister. The player start out in the game with little life and few weapons, but he can collect various icons to increase how many direct hits that he can withstand, keys to open doors, along with various circus items to shoot as projectiles.
Many of the levels can be avoided altogether by just walking backwards and back through the curtain from where the player begins. This will take him right to that level's boss battle.
Bonus levels include such fun things as guiding a bear to jump over flames, avoiding boulders in a car, using Rodan as target practice and meeting Godzilla at the circus grounds.
Magic Sword fully titled as Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy, is a side-scrolling fantasy arcade game released by Capcom in 1990. The game casts the player as a hero who must fight his way through a mystical tower in order to save the world. The player can use a sword, axe or magic, and can also rescue and recruit potential allies of various character classes, each of which has his or her own special abilities. Three years earlier, Capcom had released the similar Black Tiger in 1987.
A hovercraft is piloted over water and land while dodging bullets and avoiding objects by shooting or jumping over them. Enemies are shot in the air and on water or land to advance levels. The game has eight levels.
Long ago, God has created Eve from Adam's rib ... but the ground of men and women has proved constantly unstable. Eventually, Man became cursed by the witch of Topaz. Ever since the curse of impotence, the man lost confidence, and the women fall to frustration.
One day, A baby boy was born in the castle town of Castle Tatsunda. It was the birth from a virgin conception. On his 15th birthday, the boy is asked by the king to defeat the curse, and become a savior.
On the planet Tantris are the Triphylios of Nem plants, which help keep the populous alive and the vast forests pure. But the increasing amount of industry has resulted in high levels of pollution, damaging the plants and killing off the forests.
To deal with the forthcoming doom, the Gnostics constructed the Leg, a heat probe that has the capability of entering polluted areas, absorbing the heat of the Zeal smog flames, and giving that heat to the three plants. It can hop up plants and walls, and slide along the floor for faster movement. To defend itself from dangers – which include wildlife and acid rain - the Leg can shoot the Ball which it carries, or use a smart bomb if the going gets tough. Contact with any danger loses the Leg energy. Chalk can be collected which protects it from the acid rain.
The Ball can also be thrown out to collect heat, which must be stored in the Leg so that it can be given to the three Triphylios plants. If it has stored enough energy, the plants open petals to block the aci
Columns II: The Voyage Through Time is the sequel to the Sega puzzle game Columns. It was only released in arcades in Japan until it was later ported to the Saturn under the title Sega Ages: Columns Arcade Collection.
Cadaver is an isometric action-adventure game by the Bitmap Brothers, originally released by Image Works in 1990, for Atari ST, Amiga, MS-DOS and Acorn Archimedes. In the game the player controls Karadoc the dwarf.