Despite the name, it's not an emulated version of the arcade game. Rather, it's a homebrew conversion of Pac-Man for the Amstrad CPC, in a way that tries to be the as arcade-perfect as it could with the CPC's hardware limits.
Bubble Bobble is one of those games that are very difficult to dislike. It's relentlessly charming and pathologically upbeat, with lead characters that are so instantly loveable if you dropped pictures of them on a desert island whose inhabitants had no contact with society you would be guaranteed a dragon-centric Cargo Cult within seven days. The original port of the game to the Amstrad CPC, however, was inarguably one of the poor relations of the franchise. It lacked the spirit that made the arcade version so great, and it is an unadulterated pleasure to play a new, shiny port of the game that shows what could have been done with more time and effort. Bubble Bobble for the CPC, abbreviated concisely by the developer into BB4CPC, underlines the excellence that can be achieved by one person working alone on a labour of love, for absolutely ages, without the pressures of working in a commercial development environment with deadlines, managers and budget restraints. The bangs and whistles, the panache and the cutenes
Controlarás a Nanako en el Infierno buscando los cuatro trozos del artefacto ese. El maldito Infierno se te presentará usando una perspectiva cenital. Podrás mover a Nanako en las cuatro direcciones, guardándote de darte una morrada contra los enemigos que pululan por ahí con el baile de san Vito (de todos es conocido que no hay servicios públicos en el Infierno; de hecho el Martirio Infernal se reduce a que no puedes ir a mear en toda la eternidad – según la doctrina de Vah-Ka).
Además, a lo largo del juego encontrarás otros objetos (además de los cuatro trozos del artefacto) que te serán necesarios en tu aventura:
Agua bendita: Portando un frasco de agua bendita hará que la próxima morrada contra un enemigo no nos reste una vida.
Cizallas: Las cizallas sirven para abrirse paso a través de las rejas metálicas. Para usarlas, colócate junto a la verja y pulsa la dirección en la que esté junto con FIRE.
Hacha: El hacha sirve para abrirse paso a través de los árboles. Se emplea de la misma form
Sudoku is, obviously, a Sudoku game for CPC and Speccy. Players can select the grid size of 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 9x9, 10x10 and 12x12, although 9x9 is default. Players then choose the difficulty. The object is to fill in each empty spot with a number of 1 to 9. On the 10x10 and 12x12 grids, the letters A and A to C are also used. Each horizontal row, vertical column and sub-grid can contain a number only once.
BALLOONACY! vous invite à vivre le destin d'un petit ballon qui cherche désespérément à s'échapper par la fenêtre de salles aux couloirs tortueux et infestés de monstres. Votre ballon cherche naturellement à s'envoler, vous obligeant à le tirer continuellement vers le bas. Au moindre contact, c'est l'explosion. Évidemment, il faudra vous glisser dans les recoins les plus étroits pour aller actionner l'interrupteur du champ de force protégeant chaque fenêtre.
Resist the waves of aliens. Protect from their lasers behind your bunkers which are gradually crumbling...
Created for the 2001 mini game competition by Richard Wilson.
Six fighters will compete all around the world! These totally opposite warriors will use various techniques and nothing will stop them to win. Tale part in the fight alone or with friends in this new game that allows up to 16 players to compete!
Ordurak sème le chaos dans tout le royaume et le dieu Fres n'apprécie guère la démarche ! Vous voici donc à la tête d'une petite troupe de quatre héros partis botter les fesses du fauteur de trouble à qui il faudra tout d'abord soutirer la source de son pouvoir, évidemment farouchement protégée !
Included as a type-in as part of CPCINFOS Issue 53 and 54.
During the game, you direct a ball onto a checkerboard.
The goal is to reach the end of each level, within the time allotted to you. You can direct the ball using the joystick, going left and right and pressing the fire button to make it jump. Please note, the number of jumps is limited (it is indicated at the top of the screen).
Each color of the checkerboard has a function: blue tiles have no effect, light blue tiles make the ball jump, red tiles slow down the ball, yellow tiles accelerate your ball, green tiles block commands, purple tiles reverse the commands and black tiles are, well, holes.
Falling into a hole wastes time. To abandon a game, press ESC, and you return to the menu
This version of Lemmings saw a reduction from 16-bit to 8-bit, reducing the graphics and sound quality by a considerable amount. SFX are also completely absent, and the intro cutscene has been cut.