Team up with your bestest bro to climb up the tower fighting bosses forever. Each boss learns based on how you move, attack, and perform. The better you are,the harder it gets. How many bosses will you defeat, bro?
Run around the world and find new friends.
Unlock brand new characters unique to each area.
Make your way through different themed obstacles and become the top runner!
TempName is an android game where the game graphics can be customized, like the player, bullet, enemies and background images. The game includes a progress system in which players can unlock power-ups, upgrades and secrets features.
An extra-rare prototype cartridge. Only one is known to exist.
5200 Menu is a rare prototype that seems to be a kiosk of sorts. The game features Asteroids, which was never released for the system, Quagmire, which nothing is known about as it was canceled, and Failsafe, which was the working-title name for Countermeasure.
Get ready to mash some buttons! Check out the latest and greatest arcade collection on iOS and re-experience the fun and excitement that captured millions during the golden age of arcade gaming.
Warheads for Windows is a clone of Atari's popular 1980 arcade game, Missile Command. Originally it was pretty much a straight rip-off of the classic "intercept the falling missles" game, where you had two missile launchers (instead of three) that you could use to shoot down incoming missiles (the left and right mouse buttons fire from the left and right missile launchers, respectively) to prevent them from destroying six cities below. The missile launchers have a finite number of missiles and can be destroyed by missiles. You earn points for shooting down missiles, nukes and airplanes, and for each city that survives each round, which can earn bonus cities which replace destroyed cities.
When you have no cities left, the game is over. Version 2.0 added sound card support; a large number of configurable options; a display of how many missiles each launcher has remaining; branching missiles (MIRVs), and "blossoming" explosions, in which the destroyed missiles blow up and can destroy the other missiles, causing a ch
GobMan is a shareware MS-DOS game made in 1992 by Filipe Mateus, a Canadian software developer. GobMan is highly remniscent of Pac-Man with a yellow proteagonist traversing multiple mazes eating dots and eluding ghosts.
In the shareware version of the game, ten stages are available which repeat after they are completed. If a player were to buy a registered version of the game, they would be given fifty more stages.
The game adds many different power-ups and layouts for the maze differentiating it from the traditional Pac-Man design. Alongside the "power pill" for eating ghosts and "food" bonuses, the game offers a "bomb" power-up to destroy all enemies, an "hourglass" to stop time briefly, and a "red pill" to make the walls disappear for a time. Extra lives are gained after every 10,000 points.
Two titles are available in this cart:
Armored Encounter! is a clone of Atari's Combat. Two players control tanks and try to shoot each other the most in a time limit of three minutes.
Sub Chase! features a Hawk hunter-killer jet against a Shark missile-launching submarine. One player controls the jet, which scrolls left, and the other controls the submarine, which scrolls right.
AxySnake is a 3D action game based on the famous Snake game. By giving the classic Snake a new dimension, we have given it a new life. 3D graphic effects are strengthened by stereo sounds! Many wonderful music tracks are included in the game. Frightening monsters and a variety of bonuses all made in full 3D bring the old game to an entirely new level. The complete AxySnake distribution package includes 6 types of games. Overall, there are 80 different levels in the game!
In Midnight Building you control a man who is running around in a dark labyrinth. You'll start at floor eight and work all the way down to floor one.
At the beginning of each round the labyrinth floor is shortly visible, giving you the opportunity to locate the keys and the vault in the labyrinth. After a few seconds the labyrinth turns black. Only your direct surroundings of the labyrinth lightened.
Now it becomes your goal to collect all the keys, open the vault with the collected keys and then return to the middle of the labyrinth to enter the door and go to the next floor.
There are at least three hostile green men running around in the labyrinth who are trying to catch you. You'll loose a life when they catch you.
It's not easy to survive under the alien sky when there's always someone to burst you with his weaponry or overcome with his tactics. However you have to. Cause you and your ultramodern space-fighter are the only chance to prevent alien invasion which is almost ready to start, turning your homeworld into ruins.
The user controls a trampoline. This trampoline can be moved across the bottom of the screen, horizontally. "Bob" jumps on this trampoline, and each time Bob hits the trampoline, he jumps higher than the previous time. On the top of the screen, there are some items that can be collected. When Bob hits the edge of the trampoline, he jumps to the side: you will have to move the trampoline to catch him the next time, because he will fall off and die otherwise. The objective is to collect a number of items at the top of the screen. When you have done so, the level is finished, and you proceed to the next level. If Bob falls on the ground (besides the trampoline), he dies. Bob has a number of lives; each time a level is finished, one extra life is added. If Bob has no lives left, the game is over.
Abandon 2 is a Breakout game with an unique approach.
Like any other Breakout game, your job is to remove all bricks in the level with a ball you control via your paddle, while avoiding the loss of the ball when it goes outside the screen. Once all bricks are destroyed in a level, you proceed to the next one. When all your lives are gone, you have lost.
The unique thing about this Breakout is that you don't just control one single paddle (which is usually on the lower side of the screen), but you control actually four paddles simultaneously (on each side of the screen is one paddle).
The paddle control is so made, that you can easily move all four paddle just with your mouse. But the result is, that only two paddles are normal (left to right; up to down). The other two are reverse (moving the mouse left to right will move the paddle right to left).
The game itself offers two game modes, Classic and Extreme. Classic is the actual Breakout game, where you play through 12 levels. Extreme is basically Classic minus
You begin in a maze on the lower left corner. You can move anywhere but cannot pass through walls or the outer perimeter. If you press fire, you can see a spotlighted area of the maze and by holding down the button, you can move the joystick around to see more maze. You must find the exit before the timer, which begins counting down as soon as you move, reaches zero. In the maze, there is a box that will give you more time. If the timer reaches zero, game is over. Once you exit the maze, you get any remaining time as your score. If you never used the spotlight in that maze, your score is doubled.
Manhole-e is an e-Reader video game released in 2002 by Nintendo. It is a remake of the 1981 Game & Watch video game Manhole. In order to play the game the player had to scan a single card with two barcodes using the e-Reader. The game was included free of charge with the e-Reader. It should also be noted that a version of the game was included in the E3 2002 Promo Pack, though the actual card looked differently, sporting the E3 logo. The actual game contained within, however, was the same.
This was the only Game & Watch e-Reader game to be released. Nintendo initially planned to release a variety of games under a Game & Watch-e Collection label, though their plan was never fulfilled, perhaps due to the unpopularity of the e-Reader.
This card represents a "direct" port of the game, thus Classic Version. Other versions (Color and Collector versions) of each game in the collection were being produced but were never released.