Daria's Inferno is based on MTV's hit television series, Daria and the classic poem Dante's Inferno. Daria's Inferno is a 2d adventure game with simple point and click interface.
Jerusalem: The Three Roads to the Holy Land is a 2002 historical adventure game. It is a sequel to the game Pompei: The Legend of Vesuvius.
When a Scottish cartographer by the name of Adrien Blake returns from an expedition he discovers that his fiancée, Sophia, has disappeared. He must travel to Jerusalem to search for her. The story unfolds in the year 1552.
A dating sim made by Enterbrain, with character art by Kisai Takayama.
KimiKiss is set over a period of a month, where you spend each day planning where to spend your free time at school in the hopes of running into one of the many romanceable girls. Progress is made by chance encounters, which are either short scenes or playable conversations.
The conversation system (matching conversation) is made up of 5 rounds, with a set of topics that the player has prepared beforehand. Success in conversation is dependent on the player's ability to figure out what conversation topics are appealing to each girl.
The best-received of the three Animorphs games, this RPG made much better use of the series' extended cast and universe. Battles play out similar to the Pokémon series, with turn-based battles and "capturing" morphs.
One of a series of fully interactive comic book adventures for kids where you play as the heroic Victor Vector and his digital Saint-Bernard dog Yondo. They are field agents of The Museum of Fantastic Phenomena, and travel through time collecting unique items. In the games, the arch-villain Ram Axis, a virus spawned in the great crash of 2093, will often pop up in disguise in order to prevent their efforts. Players explore a virtual environment by clicking on the onscreen knobs and directional controls to move through the game. They click on images to talk to people, collect treasure and other items that may boost or diminish their energy level or are needed to solve puzzles. Information can also be retrieved from Yondo's data bank collar.