Fullmetal Alchemist: Prince of the Dawn Akatsuki no Ōji is an action game developed by Square Enix for Wii. It was never released outside Japan. It has a direct sequel for the same console named Fullmetal Alchemist: Daughter of the Dusk.
Thayer's Quest is a game for the RDI Halcyon. Control the wizard's apprentice Thayer as he attempts to prevent the evil Sorsabal from taking over the five kingdoms.
A collection of Pac-Guy games, a series of pac-man clones and parodies with elements of shooters.
There is a disc that has 6 games, but also a disc that has 10. The latter includes the otherwise standalone game ''Pacula's Curse''. Some of these games could be downloaded standalone from the Astral Entertainment Website. Many of the games included on the disc have to be installed separately.
The 10 game version includes:
Pac-Guy: Ressurection (a remake of the first Pac-Guy)
Pac-Guy: Atomic Edition (A side story/Sequel)
Pac-Guy: Christmas Edition (A Christmas special)
Pac Guy 2: First Contact (the main sequel)
Pac-Guy 2: Pagoon (Part 2 of the pac-guy 2 series)
Pacula's Curse (Part 3 of the pac-guy 2 series, otherwise sold standalone)
Pac-Gal (Simila in concept to Ms. Pac-man)
It had 4 extra ''minigames'', though some of them might as well be considered full games.
-The original Pac-Guy (The original version of Pac-Guy 1).
-Pixel-Guy (A 1 screen spin-off where everything is really pixelated)
In this third installment of the popular RHEM series of intricate pure-puzzle first-person adventure games, the adventures of brothers Kales and Zetais continue in the mysterious land of RHEM.
As a noble and righteous wizard, you must beat the evil Trogan the Diabolical. This involves travelling through flick-screen Switchblade style environments both above and below ground. Using your sword, you must flatten Trogan's many henchmen, and avoid skeletons. You have limited energy, but can collect top-ups. Tokens to both improve and weaken your weaponry are also scattered throughout.