The Vortex, sequel to Quantum Gate is a cinematic journey of a young soldier (Drew Griffin) in a peculiar hostile world where he fights for his life. You decide Drew's fate by making inquires and displaying emotions that will guide his actions from a first person perspective just like many other interactive movies.
Based on the novel Obelisk by Dr. Judith Kaye Jones.
Explore the extraordinary realm of time travel as the riveting story line unfolds. Discover thrilling plot twists and astonishing scenarios in an exquisitely rendered setting throughout your quest. The quest will take you on an exhilarating adventure where clues and puzzles become your world.
Help Engeor, a student at the University of Magic, save Rovenland from the evil wizard Wahargem. In the beginning of the game Engeor accidentally says something against the evil wizard and finds himself in a prison camp. His first task is to free himself from the prison so he can continue on his journey to save his country and its inhabitants.
Based on the Italian comics character Dylan Dog, London "nightmare detective", Gli Uccisori (The Murderers) is another volume created by Tiziano Sclavi himself and is a side-view action platform game with puzzle elements.
After the nightmare Dylan saw in his dream, he received the invitation from one mysterious person to visit a mansion along with many other people. Accepting the invitation, Dylan (clothed in his signature red shirt, black jacket, and blue jeans) entered the house and took part in the sumptuous feast. But the wine was poisoned, and the part of guests were the murderers. Dylan, remembering the nightmare, just in case took the revolver with him. And here it all starts...
You as Dylan should move around the house, fight with the murderers with bare hands, with revolver, or with weapons found in the house such as knife, screwdriver, sword, or maul. You should find certain keys to open certain doors. Also after killing certain murderers, you'll be provided with certain secrets given to you by the surv
Law & Order: Dead on the Money is an adventure game based on the popular television show of the same name. The game is split into two segments, field work and courtroom drama. The actors lend their voices to the game.
The protagonist of Cyberswine is, as the title implies, a cybernetic pig on a race to save CyberCity from a deadly virus. Helping him on his perilous mission is his partner, Sara Lee. The game is essentially an interactive movie done with 3D graphics. The player may interfere and choose the course of action for the hero.