Vs. Tetris is a game developed by Tengen for the Nintendo Vs. Unisystem arcade platform. The game would be the basis for Tetris (NES, Tengen) released some time later, and is noticeably less developed (e.g. the piece graphics use only solid colored or striped blocks).
A Tiger Electronics handheld interpretation of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. It is similar to the Simon's Quest LCD watch game, but has greater depth.
Submarine Wars is an LCD game released by Sega in Japan as part of the Game Vision series. It is in fact a retooled version of Tiger Electronics' 1989 LCD "Super Sound" handheld, Sub Wars.
The LCD version of After Burner is a watered-down version of the arcade game After Burner created by Tiger Electronics. Two versions were created - a handheld version, and a large tabletop unit, although the game itself is presumed to be identical. It was released in 1989.