Long ago, humans and other creatures lived peacefully in a magical paradise. However, one day a new star appeared nearby. A meteorite fell onto the Earth, turning it into a realm of perpetual darkness and misery. Humans managed to restore the land to its original state. But orcs, trolls, and other hostile races refused to give up their territory. Thus, the second age of peace quickly turned into an age of a new battle...
First Queen is a Strategy game featuring artwork by Yoshitaka Amano. It was developed and published by Kure and released in Japan in 1988. It was ported to the SNES in 1994.
In Spidertronic the player gets to take control of a robotic spider moving through a world of isometric levels. Each level consists of tiles that make out the spider's web. Problem is that the web is under siege by odd spherical creatures. This has lead to some passageways being broken and now it's up to our little spider to repair the damage done. The aim then is to rebuild these parts of each level so that the spider can move on to the next. This is done with the use of coloured tiles. The HUD shows a flashing dot that indicates what colour is needed. The spider then has to find a tile in that colour and move it to the tile that needs to be repaired. Once this is all done the spider gets access to a teleporter and can move on to the next level. The spider isn't alone however. It has to be careful not to come into contact with the balls that move around the web. Balls can be destroyed by building a web in front of them. They won't be gone for long though since they will respawn after just a few seconds.
Bubble Bobble 2 is a hack for the Amstrad CPC port of Bubble Bobble by someone going by U.W. representing Saturn-Soft a made up developer name. The game is the same as the first except you play as the blue dinosaur this time. Oh and the levels are harder! More complex! and sometimes tell you to give up!
Mazie is fast bat 'n' ball action with more fascinating features than you can shake a joystick at. For a start, you don't just fire at the bricks - they fire at you. Avalanches of bombs will wing their way toward you, the dreaded Yello will descend from jets flying over, and the red devil tumbles from its cage. All can have a seriously detrimental effect on your life! Then there are the capsules to be caught, some of which can give you a larger bat, or a plank over part of the holy grass, or a free life, or even a wipe screen.
36 screens with a more difficult big bonus version of each and every one - that's the marvel of Mazie.
MacGolf Classic is a 3D golf simulator adding more golf courses than it's original MacGolf. Also color is added to benefit from the Macintosh Classic Color computer.