Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, Cross Channel follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting Club who have just returned from a disastrous field trip, which throws their club and their friendships into turmoil.
A PC-only release, "Castlevania and Contra: The Konami Collector's Series" is a compilation of classic NES titles. It contains Castlevania I, II, and III as well as Contra and Super C.
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House is a casual hidden object game, release in 2007 by developer Oberon Games (now I-Play). It is the sequel to the 2007 Zeeby Award Casual Game of the Year Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile
Breakneck is one part racing simulation, one part car combat game. It was released for the PC in 1998 in Germany, and 2000 in North America. The game features so-called "spine-crushing speed". Your racing opponents are already waiting for you. Take up the challenge, equip your car with weapons and tools and win the races.
It's a whole new ball game. The top-selling golf game for Windows is better than ever, with a lightning-fast Windows 95 game engine, superior graphics, and a realistic feel from the texture of the fairways to the birds singing in the trees.
Ultima Online: Renaissance is the second expansion to the popular Ultima Online MMORPG. Released on May 4, 2000, it added content, fixed bugs, and made gameplay changes in response to common player complaints.
Prior to its release, the expansion was said to double the amount of room in the game, but that it would not use a duplicate of the map, rather it would be adding new content. It was later found in the previews that Renaissance simply added a mirror world under different rules. The current map became Felucca and Trammel was created, the first one with "player vs. player killing" allowed, and the second with only consensual combat.
The Goddess of the Green Fire doesn't like the old Eastern Empire which is now under your rule. So as any good enemy, she threatens the current state of peace and has to be eliminated. But yours is not the only state in the Eastern Realm that is threatened by the presence of the Goddess so the beautiful Saraya, only child of Praphat, Mogul of Hidun, allies herself with you.
The game takes place in one of three flying cars selectable at the start of the game. You rove around in a fully 3D cityscape, a maze of tall buildings while hunting down criminals. Destroy the bad guys with your basic ship's weapons and gain more powerful weapons as the game progresses. You are rewarded with credits for successfully taking down targets.
BHunter also features networked gameplay for up to 8 players via a LAN or the internet.
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions is Blue Byte Software's official expansion pack for Incubation: Time Is Running Out. It features a brand new campaign, new Scay'Ger and weapons, a map editor, and additional multiplayer options.