ZTetris is the classic TI calculator clone of the popular Tetris game that everybody has played, and that has been made for all kinds of gaming platforms. The original game was programmed in assembly by Jimmy Mardell for the TI-85 and executed via ZShell, but the game has since been ported to every TI graphing calculator by other members of the community.
The game has an impressive list of features, including two-player linkplay (which even works between every TI graphing calculator), 21 levels, top 3 high scores saved with names, 16 different alternating background patterns, trash lines, and even a teacher key.
Treasure Quest was a puzzle game in which the player moves from room to room in the mansion of Professor Jonathon William Faulkner, who has bequeathed 1 million dollars to any student who can solve the puzzles he has laid out. To move from one room to the next, players must find a famous quote from visual clues, words and anagrams, and then derive an ultimate solution to the game.
The protagonist of this game is the Muncher, thus named for his insatiable appetite for knowledge. Muncher is presented with a trivia category and a board with 20 possible answers. To win at the particular board, the player must steer Muncher to the correct answers and devour them.
A collection of sliding picture puzzles. You can chose from 3x3 or 4x4 grid sizes and select from several pictures, you unlock more as you go. You are scored based on how many moves it takes to complete a puzzle starting with 999 for the 4x4 and 499 for the 3x3 puzzles and counting down.
Space Dodge'm (sic!) is a shareware conversion of the game of Dodgem, a very simple yet complex game invented 1972 by mathematics student Colin Vout. The name originates from the fact that you'll often have to "dodge" around the pieces of your opponent to advance your own.
This conversion places Vout's abstract board game in a science fiction setting with an added time limit, playing in a space station which is about make fatal contact with an asteroid. Your goal is to evacuate all your shuttles or landers in time, while preventing your opponent to do the same before you.
The game is played on a simple square board, with players taking turns moving one token to a neighboring square at each turn. It is not allowed to move onto an occupied square or backwards, only in the direction of the evacuation pads (up for shuttles, right for landers) or sideways. That's it. The amazing thing is that these primitive rules produce quite a devilish game, where you have to try to block your enemy pieces, while taking care no
Ant Run is an adaption of the popular pipe-laying games. In this case, the task is to keep an ant running through tunnels as long as possible. The player can rotate the tunnel pieces to try to keep him going.
A puzzle game in which the player must manipulate and destroy an environment to allow as many pixelated droplets of water to flow to a given point as possible.
Kuru Kuru Panic is a puzzle game that features 9 different characters and 2 different game modes. In the 1 player mode that player can choose a character and defeat the 8 other ones.