Donkey Kong 5: The Journey of Over Time and Space is a bootleg game for the Game Boy Color. It is a clone of Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, also released for the Game Boy Color (but it is not a hack).
Fresh Adventures is a 2001 collection of 4 advergames all themed around the Kinder product line, developed by Ubisoft GmbH and Ferrero Germany. Released in Germany, Austria and Italy (as far as we are aware), the player takes control of "Pingui" and "Milchschnitte" and must venture forth and defeat the 4 villains of the game.
The game is seperated into 4 sub-games:
Der finsteres Dschungle (English: The Dark jungle)
Das magische Tal (English: The Magical Valley)
Der geheimnisvolle Berg (English: The Mysterious Mountain)
Die Weltraumfabrik (English: The Space Factory)
One of the expansions games from Kinder Fresh Adventures series, advertising italian snacks.
The gameplay is almost the same as La Valle Magica's, but the graphics were changed to a snowy mountain landscape.
One of the expansions games from Kinder Fresh Adventures series, advertising italian snacks.
The gameplay is almost the same as La Valle Magica's, but the graphics were changed to a futuristic factory.
One of the expansions games from Kinder Fresh Adventures series, advertising italian snacks.
The gameplay is almost the same as La Valle Magica's, but the graphics were changed to a jungle.
An ad games from the Kinder Fresh Adventures series, developed to advertise italian snacks like Kinder Pinguì e Kinder Fetta al Latte.
The other games in the series are La Giungla Tenebrosa, La Fabbrica Spaziale and La Montagna Misteriosa. They were all released as separate CDs, but are in fact reskins with very minor changes to the gameplay of the same levels, making it very difficult to classify them either as single games or expansions.
Bounce is a game by Nokia that came pre-installed in many Nokia mobile phones running J2ME. It is one of the earlier famous Nokia mobile games, alongside Snake.
Mario & Luigi is an unofficial DOS remake of Super Mario Bros. Just like in the original game, it features Mario the plumber, jumping around, collecting pickups and defeating enemies across Mushroom Kingdom. Mario can find a mushroom which makes him grow, and a fire flower that allows him to shoot fireballs.
Bob et Bobette: Les Dompteurs du Temps is an Action game, developed by Standaard Multimedia and published by Infogrames, which was released in Europe in 2001.
Ay caramba! I thoight I already defeated these creeps! What are they doing back!
I can't believe these greasy slimeballs have the guts to go toe to toe with Barthlomew J. Simpson again! Then again, I can't expect such putrid slime to learn the first time. AND these jerks smell like a monster from the bottom of the swamp... like a Swamp Thing!
Time to dust off the old X-Ray specs, shake up my favorite can of Brand-X spray paint, and pull off some radical tricks on my skateboard. These space slugs don't know who they are messing with. Bring it on! This is one Simpson you don't want to mess with.
THE SPACE MUTANTS have a few words for Bart:
That Simpson boy is really dumb! Our homages to him are fake and we are back stronger than ever! So, Bart Simpson, resistance is useless!!! His mutant hunt has already begun but we learned with our errors from the past. We will never be defeated again! Well, looks like Bart is at Lake Terror. I will send an extra amount of my mutant soldiers to kill him!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
Pocket Monster II is a platform game for the Mega Drive, probably made by DVS Electronic Co., and the sequel to Pocket Monster, also by DVS. Unlike the first game, no SNES port has yet been discovered.
This game is a significant improvement over the original. The artwork and audio has improved since the first game, though the former is still mostly stolen from other games. The music is mostly remade from the Japanese Pokémon TV series, with songs including the original Japanese opening theme (Stage 1 and Stage 4) and the ending theme of the pilot. (Boss theme.)
Hugo: Black Diamond Fever is a 3D platform game in the Hugo series that was developed by ITE Media and published by Electronic Arts in 2001 for the PC and PlayStation.
The evil Scylla is back and this time has found a way to make herself the most powerful witch of all time and take over the world. For this, she requires very rare black diamonds, which are to be found on the jungle island where the Kikurians live. She takes them all prisoner and forces them to work day and night in search of black diamonds. The elder King Kikurian asks Hugo the troll to liberate the slaves and stop Scylla's plot before it is too late. When Fernando arrives a letter from King Kikurian, Hugo reads it, but finds poor King Kikurian imprisoned in a cell and unable to help his people, and has absolutely no time to waste. Can Hugo free all the slaves and stop Scylla's plot?
Sonic Advance is notable for being the first Sonic game released on a Nintendo console, despite both Sega and Nintendo being well-known rivals on the console market throught the 1990s.
Sonic Advance features four playable characters and marks the first playable appearance of Amy Rose on a 2D title. The game borrows elements from the original Sonic the Hedgehog titles for the Sega Genesis, but with the post-Dreamcast artstyle for the characters which was introduced in Sonic Adventure. The game also includes multiplayer features and mini-games.
The title was also ported to the Nokia N-Gage under the title "SonicN".
Three button action game released for J-Sky (50KB) devices through the Ulala no Channel J portal and later i-mode 70x devices through the Sonic Cafe portal. The player controls Kii-chan, a rabbit, as they jump to collect ingredients for pastries.