There are two tables in the game, red and blue. Each table has its own details and gameplay elements.
Each table has different "locations" that you play, which determine which Pokémon are available for capture. A subset of available locations are displayed slot-machine style in the beginning of a game, and pressing A will select your starting location and launch the first ball into play. After that, each table has its own mechanism for advancing to the next location, including the locations not available at the start of the game.
"Catch Mode," when activated, starts a 2 minute window of opportunity where you can attempt to capture a Pokémon. Once you activate "catch mode," you must hit the pop bumpers 6 times. Each hit unlocks 1/6 of an image of the Pokémon currently up for capture. Once the image is complete, the Pokémon appears on the table, where it must be hit 4 times with the ball to capture it.
"Evolution Mode," when activated, starts a 2 minute window of opportunity where you select a captured Pokémo
Metal Gear Solid is a Game Boy Color spinoff of the popular stealth action game Metal Gear Solid. This is not a port of said game but an original game made specifically for the Game Boy Color. Metal Gear Solid is a non-canon game that serves as an alternate sequel to the events of the original Metal Gear.
James Bond 007: The World Is Not Enough is based off of the 1999 James Bond film of the same name. In contrast to the Nintendo 64 and Playstation versions, this game only has eight missions and features a 2D overhead view instead of a 3D first-person. There is no multiplayer, no difficulty levels, and no save feature. Passwords are used to skip to later levels and unlock certain cheats.
Resident Evil Gaiden is a Resident Evil game for the Game Boy Color. It is non-canon, as its plot is contradicted by the main series in key parts and its events are ignored. The game features three playable characters and consists of exploring areas, collecting items and combating enemies in the process. Unlike previous entries in the series, Resident Evil Gaiden assumes a top-down perspective for the environment portions that, upon approaching an enemy, changes to a first-person combat mode with a reticle constantly moving to the left and right. To attack, the player has to press the action button while the reticle is in range of the enemy.
Tetris DX has everything you need to satisfy your puzzle appetite. Play marathon, the classic Tetris game. Try your hand at ultra or 40 lines, two Tetris games with a twist. The vs. game will have you playing for hours!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the the second role-playing game for the Game Boy Color. It follows directly on from the first, with mostly the same game mechanics, controls and even some of the graphics. In this game, Harry is joined by Ron and Hermione in the battles. While Harry can use card combinations of Famous Witches and Wizards cards to produce special attacks and effects, his friends have special attacks unique to each other. To aid in finding one's way around Hogwarts, floor maps were added. Like the first game, this one also includes several mini-games, including Quidditch, that once found in the game can be accessed from the main menu.
The Game Boy Color version is a role-playing game with turn-based combat. The player controls Harry, starting from when Hagrid brings him to Diagon Alley. It strictly follows the story of the books, with all the scenes from that point on in the book being playable, except for the addition of bands of monsters such as rats, bats, and spiders roaming most of the locations. The spells are used for combat, rather than interacting with the environment. In addition, card combinations of Famous Witches and Wizards Collector's Cards can be used to produce powerful magical effects. These cards can be found all over the freely explorable Hogwarts.
Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors is a mixture of a card game and a turn-based fighting game for the Game Boy Color. The game is played with original in-game cards for attacks, techniques and support items and initially has only two modes trade and story. Legendary Super Warriors’ story spans from the Saiyan saga to the end of the Buu Saga. Once beaten, a battle mode is unlocked, allowing players to square off with random enemies. Once the game is beaten, any character is usable in any battle, such as Frieza vs. Cell.
Dragon Quest Monsters is a turn-based RPG that involves recruiting monsters to fight for you in random encounters. Two recruited monsters can be fused together for a better one and extra monsters can be stored on a farm while not in your party.
It was released in Japan for the Game Boy Color before the system was released.
It's Conker's birthday and someone crashed his party! The Evil Acorn has stolen all of Conker's presents and kidnapped his best chipmunk friend, Berri. Now you must take on the role of the bushy-tailed hero, pursuing your nemesis throughout 6 visually-stunning worlds to rescue Berri and save your birthday from complete disaster. Strain your brain to solve challenging puzzles, battle the Evil Acorn's horde of minions with your trusty slingshot, and even flex your muscles in sporting events as you track your foe to the final showdown!
Bomberman is on his way home when the engines on his ship are stolen. As a result, he must make an emergency landing on a strange planet. However, Bomberman is not traveling alone he's got all of the monsters he has captured on his adventures with him. After a rough crash landing, the monsters escaped. You must help Bomberman recapture the monsters and find his engines in order to return home. You'll travel to four different regions of the planet collecting bombs, finding items, and getting hints for how to proceed on your adventure. Along with the main quest a Two-Player mode is also included, in which you try to trap your opponent by setting bombs; the first person to be victimized by a bomb loses.
Peacefully sleeping in his Dream Land, Kirby drifts lazily amongst the beauty of the sky. A beauty that King Dedede cannot abide with. Jealous of the sky's wondrous splendor, King Dedede has acquired a tool that will let him steal the night's stars, plunging the world into eternal drab daylight. When Kirby awoke, he found that it was still daytime. And evermore, it would be daytime, unless Kirby made the journey to find King Dedede and recover the stars to restore the night's sky. So begins the latest Kirby adventure, another action adventure with the morphing marshmallow in a starnge fantasy world. However, the one thing separating this latest adventure is the control scheme. Here, you don't control Kirby directly. Instead, you guide Kirby by tipping your system to roll the little round pink puff through a series of mazes. If you get in a jam you can make Kirby jump by a controller press, and Kirby can still acquire weapons from other enemies, but the real skill is using the tilting to your advantage.
Dragon Quest Monsters 2 followed Pokemon's strategy of releasing 2 games with exclusive monsters that would need to be traded between versions to collect them all.
The games were later re-released along with the first Dragon Quest Monsters as a compilation for the PlayStation and the games were later remade for the 3DS, but only in Japan.
King Arthur has lost his legendary sword, Excalibur. Now the evil Sir Ruber is out to claim Camelot. Since the King is unable to fight, he trusts a young girl named Kayley to fight for him and save his Kingdom. You take the role of Kayley as you explore nine worlds and a total of 60 areas in search of Excalibur. Along the way, you will have to learn how to use several devices including a slingshot, snorkel, and grappling hook to perform tasks and solve puzzles. Naturally, Sir Ruber has henchmen out to stop you, but use your sword to dispatch them. As the game progresses, you will learn a powerful spin-attack as well as dart- and lunge-attacks. Will Kayley be able to save Camelot? Will finding Excalibur be enough to help King Arthur? Find the answers to these questions by playing QUEST FOR CAMELOT.
The Game Boy Color version of Grand Theft Auto was unabridged, which was quite a technical achievement due to the sheer size of the cities, converted tile-for-tile from the PC original, making them many times larger than most Game Boy Color game worlds were because of the handheld's limited hardware.
This Game Boy Color version also had an exclusive character named Kelly, who could be renamed Sumner, and activate a cheat code which unlocks 15 characters, based on the games' creator. Wanted Levels were represented by a trouble bar in the Game Boy Color.
The game also features a radically different soundtrack from the PC and PS1 versions, replacing all the songs that play on the radio and menus in those versions with 8-bit instrumental tracks composed by Anthony Paton.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories, released in Japan as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent, is a Game Boy Color video game and the third title in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters series of games. It was released in Japan on July 13, 2000, and it was the first Yu-Gi-Oh! video game to be released outside of Japan, with a United States release date of March 19, 2002.
Players of the game can trade and battle with other players using a link cable.
In Pokémon Card GB2, Team Great Rocket have kidnapped many of the Club Masters and attempted to steal the Legendary Cards. The player, assuming the role of Mark or Mint, must rescue the Club Masters and defeat Team Great Rocket at their headquarters on GR Island.
Perfect Dark is an action video game developed by Rare and released for the Game Boy Color handheld console in 2000. As a prequel to its Nintendo 64 counterpart, the game follows agent Joanna Dark as she completes her training at the Carrington Institute research centre and uncovers information against rival corporation dataDyne. The gameplay revolves around shooting opponents and completing objectives such as rescuing hostages or recovering items. The game also includes a multiplayer mode where two players may compete against each other in several deathmatch modes.