Two maps originally supposed to be featured as bonus levels in Arcanum. The first one is a small mediaval/fantasy cathedral - a remake of Heretic's E1M6, complete with original textures and music. The second one is a medium-sized arcane industrial complex with a similar vibe as Towers of Wrath from Dissolution of Eternity.
Small episode with 4 maps of medium size, each with a different texture theme (Base, Metal, Wizard) and a few custom monsters, namely grenade Grunts, nail and rocket Enforcers, and a buggy, poorly executed and out-of-place nail goblin (or something). There is hardly any information in the text file; apparently, the pack was released in an unfinished state, hence the ugly console image and the lack of a boss map. However, the four featured maps are very nice.
Do you remember what Pray 2 should be when it was just announced?
That's right - the game about the bounty hunter: clapping:
Actually a project about a mercenary who helps order protectors in putting things in order, cleaning out the criminal rot from the most provincial corners of Dirty City.
Four (4) map episode with a variety of medieval / wizard / runic themes in a classic style, made for vanilla Quake. Some levels are rather non-linear and large. Map source is included.
Large sci-fi gothic mountain prison for vanilla Quake inspired by Dark Souls, with textures by Makkon. Difficulty settings are not implemented. Map source is included.
Episode with four medium-sized classic id-themed maps + custom start and end map. Mostly vanilla Quake with a few extras, comes with its own progs.dat. Based on previously released speedmaps (details in included readme).
Small cave tomb / temple map with Makkon textures, built for Arcane Dimensions v1.81+ (NOT included). Some textures and sounds from Thief: The Dark Project. Custom music by MrDetonia. Map source is included.
In your tainted land, an unfathomable cosmic horror takes root. Monstrous abominations sow chaos and despair, while the Rune of Power, pulsating with forbidden energies, is stolen. To restore harmony and repel doom, you must drive back the eldritch creatures and reclaim the Rune of Power...
8 Singleplayer maps made for Copper