An episode with 7 new levels and new art replacing the 2nd episode.
Earth Defence Forces leader has been killed just when a strange artifact has been uncovered. Therefore Duke goes to investigate this at the EDF center. In the meantime, experiments on the artifact reveals its ability to teleport in space and time.
Duke is at home watching TV and enjoying a few beers, not letting himself being distracted by the explosions that can be heard outside - if that's a new
alien attack going on, it can always wait until his movie is finished. Not feeling ready for some action quite yet and satisfyingly wallowed on his couch, Duke lets his empty beer can fall to the ground and extends his arm to grab a new one - wait a second. No, there really isn't any beer can left in his reach. 'Damn', he mutters, as he struggles against his own will of staying immobile and letting things happen in a purely nihilistic kind of fashion, to drag himself off the couch to the kitchen fridge as a desperate attempt to sustain his now instinctive alcoholic needs. But just as he opens the door, a traumatizing surprise awaits him...
Critical Mass is a 3 level episode with 4 new weapons and new (or modified) enemies, including boss.
A secret nuclear research facility is under control of the aliens. The only way in is by a special teleport located at a EDF weaponry research building. After killing the aliens the only way out is by a escape turboplane at the hangar.
15 small / medium sized maps made in three days, with one design constraint: only 40 monsters or less. Built on Copper v1.19 (already included) and map source files are included too.
Huge underground necropolis in a Medieval/terracotta theme. It features the gremlin from SoA and has special optimizations for coop gameplay. The map source is included.
Large Base map with spacious rooms, linear progression, a very high monster count and a few custom enemies. Comes with a start and a boss map. Map sources are included.