Contra Spirits, also known as Super Contra 3, is a pirated Famicom port of Contra III: The Alien Wars (Contra Spirits in Japan and Super Probotector: Alien Rebels in Europe) for the SNES, made by Ei-How Yang (and possibly others) in 1995. It was only released in 1997.
"Welcome to your first day at Fazbear Entertainment trying an arcade machine and doing absolutely nothing but playing on it. Fazbear Entertainment assures you that all the coins/credits you've spent on the arcade will be spent wisely, and not given away to corporate entities to please the investors."
Players must grab their weapons and descend into several labyrinthine floors, full of monsters and hazards, in this 2D FPS. Each level has a mix of baddies and collectibles, plus damaging tiles and/or conveyor belts to complicate movement. You start on a safe floor with other NPCs roaming around; later stages delve into horror, cyberpunk, and fleshy aesthetics. Maze 999 uses the developer's own raycasting engine, rendering the world a la Wolfenstein 3D.
Fun multiplayer game to play with your friends or meet new ones in the platform. WebBrowse, you play with your keyboard and mouse. The first one that makes 10 kills win and ends the game. You can collect weapons and ammo by passing on top of them. Once you are killed you have to look for a water fountain to clear that paint.
This is NFT game, so you need to have your metamask wallet in polygon connected if you have NFTs. You can also play without buying any NFT. Everyone can play for free.
You can play and participate in differente Leagues according to your level and also can join a club and play with your club mates.
Operation Sea Wolf is a total conversion for GZDoom/Doom II developed by Mike MacDee (Impie) in 2018 and released in full in 2019. It is an eight-map remake of Operation Arctic Wolf by Laz Rojas, and the third "Winter Agent Juno" mod, following Project Einherjar and Midgard Outlaw. Impie remade the Arctic Wolf maps from scratch, often combining several locations into a single, sprawling map.
This DLC contains one Legendary Hunter, two Legendary weapons, and one Legendary consumable: Biatatá (Hunter), Cobra da Várzea (Scottfield Model 3 Spitfire), Proteção do Andarilho (Winfield 1893 Slate), and Língua de Fogo (Liquid Fire Bomb).
Much like the legend whose name she uses, Llorona earned her fearsome reputation by drowning her victims and haunting her enemies. Like a shade, she is fast and subtle, with both gun and knife.
In this game, you can play two modes: campaign and survival. The campaign mode contains 4 levels, one harder than the other, with varied and challenging enough goals! The survival mode, or "Horde Mode" brings to the players the experience of becoming a survivor of several waves of zombies. In survival mode, the only goal is to kill as many zombies and challenge your friends and family to beat your record!