Meitantei Conan: Chika Yūenchi Satsujin Jiken is the first game based on the manga Detective Conan by Gōshō Aoyama, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday since 1994. It is an original story, although the amusement park theme is constantly revisited in the franchise, especially in anime and game form. The protagonist is Conan Edogawa, the alter ego of Shinichi Kudō, a high school detective who was transformed unwillingly into a kid. Chika Yūenchi Satsujin Jiken itself is an adventure game where the task is to solve murder cases. The player controls Conan from a top-down perspective and can move around freely in the park, seeking for clues or engaging other characters in conversation. Sometimes it's possible to choose what to ask a character, but that has no outcome on how the case proceeds. The investigation is moved forward by talking to the right people, finding the necessary clues, solving puzzles and by "thinking". The latter is an actual gameplay mechanic where Conan analyses certain events that he finds sus
Dazzeloids is a 1994 children's CD-ROM game created by Rodney Greenblat, who also made PaRappa the Rapper.
It features Anne Dilly Whim, and her team of boredom banishers fighting
the forces of mediocrity set by the Mediogre and his geeky assistant,
Brazen is a Monster-Hunter-style action game currently being developed by Double Fine Productions. It draws thematic and artistic inspiration from Ray Harryhausen's myriad "sword-and-sandal" films of the 60s and 70s.