Spore Origins is the mobile device spin-off of Spore, and focuses on a single phase of the larger game's gameplay - the cell phase. The simplified game allows players to try to survive as a multicellular organism in a tide pool, with the ability to upgrade its creature as with the main game.
The Oregon Trail is a strategy video game developed by Gameloft New York and Gameloft Shanghai and published by Gameloft. It was released for Java ME-based mobile phones in 2009; a high-definition version was later released for iOS the same year. The game was then ported to DSiware, followed by a number of other mobile operating systems and devices. The game was followed by two sequels: The Oregon Trail: Gold Rush and The Oregon Trail: American Settler.
Very much a snake game, Rattler Race adds a few twists to the long-held conventions of the genre (those being: you guide a snake from a top-down perspective, always in forward motion; it eats its targets and grows in length, but dies should it collide with any obstacles): in addition to a competing snake foiling your routes, a ball bounces around the play-field, Pong-style, killing your snake should the ball ricochet against its head.
The other standout qualities are largely cosmetic: periodically enemy movement "freezes", giving the player a period of free motion; the opposing snake will also "eat" your targets (here "apples" -- occasionally bonus "golden apples") and grow longer, though it doesn't seek them out; gameplay can be conducted with as many as three opposing snakes and three bouncing balls complicating the playfield at once; you head for the exit once all apples are eaten, but the enemy snake(s) can exit instead, restarting the level. Triumph against all these odds and you get 29 more levels of similar
A strategy game based on the One Year War from the original Gundam series. It uses the Sufami Turbo accessory to connect to other SD Gundam Generation games.
Another J.R.R. Tolkien based game, but specifically focused on the Two Towers story, starting right before the siege of Helm's Deep: the battle between the defending forces of Rohan and the attacking legions of the evil wizard Saruman. The game introduces a similiar style of play as War in Middle Earth, that is a macro-world map point of view which operates battles and movement of mass armies, and there's a micro point of view, a more 'action' approach where the original characters of the Fellowship can battle enemies at a smaller scale: shoot orcs from a ranged distance, fight them melee in an arcade fighting style or challenge them in a duel of magic.
The Promised Land is a game developed by Big Fish Games. The game play is similar to the Virtual Villagers series, which is a blend between the genres: time management, simulation and adventure.
The Goddess of the Green Fire doesn't like the old Eastern Empire which is now under your rule. So as any good enemy, she threatens the current state of peace and has to be eliminated. But yours is not the only state in the Eastern Realm that is threatened by the presence of the Goddess so the beautiful Saraya, only child of Praphat, Mogul of Hidun, allies herself with you.