The player assumes the role of an unnamed protagonist attending Dengeki Academy who stumbles into a fight between heroines from Dengeki Bunko novel worlds and the evil organization Zetsumu. The reality-based world of Dengeki Academy and the novel worlds have become connected and the player is able to help the Dengeki Bunko heroines fight the Zetsumu by going between the worlds. Eight heroines are presented including Shana from Shakugan no Shana, Kino from Kino's Journey, and Kana Iriya from Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu. Each heroine fights with her own unique style of weapon, combos, and special attacks.
Parallel Kingdoms is an online RPG that uses real world maps with GPS. It is made for the iPhone, iPod Touch and any other phone running Google Android. The new version, "Parallel Kingdom" is now available for free in the iTunes App Store and Android Market.
Blazer Drive is a, Japan exclusive, turn-based role playing game based on a parallel story from a Japanese manga of the same name. It introduces a battle system involving stickers or "MySticker" and the use of the touch screen.
Pyrrhic Tales: Prelude to Darkness is a dark, sophisticated fantasy CRPG featuring complex, turn-based tactical combat, 3D graphics, a skill-based character advancement system, and an intricate, involved plot. Prelude thrives on the tradition of true role-playing games, allowing players to craft a diverse team and become a part of a large and intricate world with a rich history, hundreds of non-player characters, and nearly endless paths and subplots.
Prelude takes place in a huge river valley, surrounded on all sides by impassable cliffs. The Children of the Flame have been at peace with the People of the River for a thousand years. But something has changed. Ethnic tensions have suddenly escalated, culminating in bursts of terrorists violence. Murders, once rare crimes of passion, have begun occurring at an alarming rate. A plague has started to attack the crops and devastate the once plentiful harvest. The player must unravel the dark mysteries and resolve the conflict threatening to consume The Valley.
Samurai Empire is the seventh edition (sixth expansion) of Ultima Online. It adds unique Japanese-themed content, such as the new Ninja and Samurai professions, as well as a new landmass, the Tokuno Islands (the Land of the Feudal Lords first introduced in Ultima I). This expansion also introduces a powerful new guild system, new dungeons, enhancements to the house customization system, and a whole collection of new monsters, weapons, and wearable items.
Summon Night Ex-These is a spin-off of the Summon Night series, released for the Playstation 2 on August 4, 2005 . The player takes control of Leonus & Ainna, two adventurers that wake up in a cave to find out that not only they lost their memories, but are also sharing the same body. They go on a journey to look for the mysterious Nova, who might know something about their past. The character you choose at the start becomes the lead in the story and the true owner or the body, the other one still participates in the plot as a sub-protagonist. Normally, they are not able to talk with each others, but using the “Stone of the Everlasting Night” they can meet inside an artificial world.
Metalheart: Replicants Rampage is a role-playing game with a turn-based combat system and a huge game world designed in classical cyberpunk style.The characters live in the dark post-apocalyptic world inhabited by four different races: humans, mutants, cyborgs and mysterious nomads. The player can form a party of up to 6 members with characters belonging to any of the four races. To complete some quests, a player will have to hire different specialists proficient in some particular skill, like snipers, demolishers, welders and many more.
NeverEnd presents a swords-and-sorcery adventure that tells a whimsical fairy tale. The adventure follows the renovating development of its main character, Agavaen. The game features an "active time battle system". Full 3D combat with dynamic camera angles that adjust to each unique combat situation.
Create a myriad of spells using the custom rune system.
Distinct storylines based on how you play the game.
Explore the huge world of Neverend populated with towns, castles, ruins and other areas. Engage in conversation with its inhabitants – will they be friend or foe?
The Active Time Battle System (ATBS) adds combat dynamics as well as the ability to use numerous weapons and special combo moves in battle.
Gods: Lands of Infinity is a blend of adventure and action in a turn-based setting. There is an array of missions and NPCs who players can add to their team. Players must fight, gain experience, level and acquire new skills. The game is played out in the first-person perspective, until gamers enter a battle encounter, at which point the game goes into third-person turn-based mode.
While it was never localized for western audiences, Magna Carta: The Phantom of Avalanche is notable for being the first entry in the Magna Carta series, developed and published by Softmax in Korea for Windows in 2001.