Digimon World Dusk, originally released as Digimon Story Moonlight in Japan, is a Digimon video game for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It was released in Japan on March 29, 2007 and North America on September 18, 2007. It serves as the second game in the Digimon Story series, though it was marketed as a game within the Digimon World series in North America.
You're a machine learning specialist who makes neural networks but your cat seems to be better at it. Now you must solve puzzles to build a cat-to-human translation system (who knows what else this cat is capable of!). Earn a fortune, buy kickass cat outfits and learn how machine learning really works!
Superflight is an intense, easy to learn wingsuit game with an infinite number of beautiful procedurally generated maps. A great game to relax for half an hour and chase your latest highscore!
An old man is about to enter a mysterious Cave. A familiar guest needs your help before you descend deeper and deeper into Rusty Lake. Cube Escape: The Cave is the ninth episode of the Cube Escape series and is a continuation of the Rusty Lake story.
Players will find themselves deep behind enemy lines, attempting to destroy their most coveted assets, while dealing with various hazards such as flak guns, enemy radar, weather and dreaded Ace Pilots.
Recruiting, training and guiding the right crew, and keeping them alive, is vital in turning the tides of war and achieving success on your bombing campaign.
This version of Bionic Commando is loosely based on the original arcade game and its computer ports, having different levels and plot. The protagonist is a soldier with a bionic arm that extends and contracts. His arm allows him to grab on to fixed objects to swing around and climb up platforms, which is the only way to do so due to the lack of a jumping ability. The arm also grabs opponents and pulls them towards the player character.
Ratty Catty is a Multiplayer / CO-OP hide & seek game, the game is about the adventures of domestic cat Catty and hazel mouse Ratty who eats the foods in the house, feeds its babies and lives in a little rat nest.
Lord Ironfist is dead and the Kingdom is plunged into a vicious civil war by his feuding sons. At stake is the ultimate prize: control of the land and succession of the royal throne. Will you support the villainous usurper and lead the armies of evil or be loyal to the righteous prince and deliver the people from tyranny.
Chose your allegiance and take what is rightfully Yours!
Featuring the entire cast from the Five Nights at Freddy's series, this fantasy RPG will let players control their favorite animatronics in an epic animated adventure!
With 40 playable characters, multiple endings, multiple difficulties, and a great soundtrack from artist Leon Riskin, FNaF World hits the ground running and doesn't stop. Take control of Freddy and the gang as they set out on a quest in the world beneath worlds, a world that reflects the actions and deeds of the "flipside", where things have started becoming distorted and broken. Lead your team deeper into this digital world to find the source of these glitches and monsters, and restore it to what it was designed to be- a safe haven.
But be careful, behind the curtain there may be something even more sinister pulling the strings...
GORN is a ludicrously violent VR gladiator simulator, made by Free Lives, the developers of Broforce and Genital Jousting.
Featuring a unique, fully physics driven combat engine, GORN combatants will be able to creatively execute their most violent gladiatorial fantasies in virtual reality. Savagely strike down an infinite supply of poorly-animated opponents with all manner of weapons – from swords, maces, and bows to nunchuks, throwing knives, massive two-handed warhammers or even your blood-soaked bare hands. The only limits to the carnage are your imagination and decency, in the most brutal and savage VR face-smashing game ever produced by man.
The fastest way to learn guitar is now better than ever. With Rocksmith you can learn everything from single notes to chords and advanced techniques, all at your own pace. You'll learn fast because it adapts to your skill level as you play, whether you're a beginner or an experienced player.
This remastered version also includes six free bonus songs.
"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley & The Wailers
"Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley
"Some Nights" by FUN.
"I Want You Back" by Jackson 5
"Hey Ya!" by Outkast
"Drops of Jupiter" by Train
The highly anticipated sequel to the best-selling Stronghold, Stronghold Crusader HD throws you into historic battles and castle sieges from the Crusades with fiendish AI opponents, new units, 4 historical campaigns and over 100 unique skirmish missions.
Stronghold Crusader HD features several campaigns documenting the First, Second and Third Crusades, as well as conflicts within the individual Crusader states. Battles such as Nicea, Heraclea, siege of Antioch, Krak des Chevaliers and the Siege of Jerusalem all feature, as do the Crusader Trails from the Stronghold Warchest and Stronghold Crusader Extreme.
Your prison ship has crash-landed on the fastest, sleekest, most dangerous 3D world ever created. Look around, crystal clear water shimmers, shadows dance and shift, alien architecture fades into the horizon. Discover the secret of this mysterious planet and find out what caused a peaceful race to be enslaved by vicious merciless aggressors.
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is a light-hearted action-adventure game for 1-2 players by Konami, and was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. It is the first game in the Japanese video game series Ganbare Goemon to have a western release.
Inspired by Gone Home and Dear Esther, Scanner Sombre is a cave exploration experience. With stunning visuals and a terrifying theme, it is the 6th major video game released by Introversion Software.
Marvel Super Heroes is a 2D fighting game and the second Capcom title to feature characters from the Marvel comic universe. Each character starts with a set of gems. These can be activated during a fight to improve speed, power and defence, or provide special abilities to create crushing stone walls, open up a rift in space, or reverse the opponent's controls. The use of the gems is inspired by the The Infinity Gauntlet comic book series.