This game follows the story of Illidan Stormrage, as he works his way from a Night Elf, to a Demon Hunter, and finally an actual Demon. Play out this campaign in 8 bit that takes Illidan throughout Azeroth, and the Outland. Enjoy!
Block Force is a port of Quarth originally developed by Konami. It was made by Hwang Jiun-Ming, a relative of Hwang Shinwei and released in 1990. The game was often included in multicarts released by RCM Group between 1990 and 1991.
Bio Hazard (also called 生化危机 or "Resident Evil" in Chinese) is a Famicom pirate made by Waixing in 2003 based on Resident Evil for the PlayStation. The plot follows the original game scripts, although just Jill is a playable character and the game is in Chinese.
Mi Hun Che (迷魂車), more commonly known as BB Car (屁屁車) or eventually Ecstasy Car and Super Car (奇妙車) is a port of Rally-X and New Rally-X made for the Famicom by Hwang Shinwei in 1988. It was originally published by Chi Chi Toy Co., Ltd under the Mi Hun Che and Super Car title. BB Car is a slight update released 3 years later, in 1991.
Dark Seed (黑暗之蛊) is an unlicensed port of the DOS and Amiga game of the same name, made by Mars Production and published by Yancheng around 2001 or 2002.