The Investigator is an Alligator who Investigates crime, alongside various faithful sidekicks. With Bobbycat, they investigate various gruesome murders, interrogate suspects, and collect clues, until the time comes to accuse the murderer. In Investigator and the Chekhov's Gun, Investigator and his sidekick The Bad Luck Duck dig deeper into what appears to be the suicide of The Bipolar Bear.
Bikini Bottom Chess is a SpongeBob themed chess web game with 5 levels and a multiplayer mode. The gameplay is just like chess, with King Neptune being the King. The player must protect King Neptune to keep from losing. Standard chess rules apply to this game, with some exceptions, such as the fact that sometimes the opposite player ("black") starts.
Taking place in an Alternate Universe, the plot begins in 2036 where Apollo Justice and Kristoph Gavin are investigating a mysterious letter warning them about the impending death of Amelia Wonderley that appeared at their office. Things take a turn for the worse when they track down the sender to the office of Private Detective Joseph Sternwood, whose corpse is found in his locked office.
Super Snowball Sunday is a remake of Snowball Sunday by Ash & Dave Released in 1988 on the Commodore 64.
This remake version has up to six human players and two computer players.
Grow your line to reach the goal in Streamline. The hand-crafted puzzles contain a variety of unique interesting mechanics, and range from easy to fiendishly difficult. These should keep you busy for a while, but if you manage to finish them all, there is also an infinite mode with procedurally-generated puzzles.