Based on the manga and anime of the same name, Nodame Cantabile follows the odd couple of Shinichi Chiaki and Megumi Noda. Both are students at the prestigious Momogaoka College of Music; Shinichi is a studious and strict conductor while Megumi is a pianist known for her loose and inventive playing style.
Chickens are on the loose! Hiding, running, fishing, and flying - chickens are everywhere! It's up to you and your dead-eye aim to save the farm.
Moorhuhn X is back - also known as Crazy Chicken X and Chicken Hunter. The number 1 classic among the Moorhuhn shooters brings lots of shooting fun with lots of chickens and just as many puzzles.
An infamous kusoge released in Japan for the PlayStation 2. Kamishiro Gakuen Maboroshi Kouroku Kuru NuGiA, often just shortened to "Nugya", is about a story that unfolds in both modern times and the Taisho era, surrounding the "Kamiyori" that occurs once every 100 years in the town of Jindai. The main characters, one in the modern era and one in the Taisho era, both help to fight against demons.
Battles are turn-based, including a system in which you can use interchangeable skills. There is a "feeling system" that responds with "joy, anger, sadness, or pleasure" depending on the situation, but it has almost no relationship with the progress of the main game.
The chronicles of the Oooku, the women's quarters of Edo Castle, is remembered infamously in Japan as a classic kusoge, slang for a very bad video game.
The story revolves around discourse between some of the women in the Oooku over the current shogun, which eventually leads to the player needing to endlessly search around a huge amount of empty rooms and withstand annoying load times as you interview people for their testimonies. There's spelling errors throughout the entire game, as well as typographical errors that have the Edo era characters speaking very modern at unexpected times. The graphics were criticized as especially ugly in 2008 when the PS3 was gaining popularity, and the narrative is hard to follow as the text moves automatically with no text log. Everything is timed, and knowing what to do next is very difficult without a guide.
After gathering all your information throughout the year, you have a trial, which can result in different endings.
Pop'n Taisen Puzzle Dama Online is a block-building game. It is part of the Pop'n Music series and Taisen Puzzle-Dama series.
The gameplay is similar to the others Taisen Puzzle-Dama games, just the balls have been changed to Pop-kuns instead, in order to fit the Pop'n music theme. The game also uses an online feature to download and unlock content, such as secret characters and songs.
Terminator 2: Judgment Game is a mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas released in 2010 based on the movie Terminator 2. The mod is a full recreation of the movie within the game.
Fireworks are a class of explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic, cultural, and religious purposes. A fireworks event (also called a fireworks show or pyrotechnics) is a display of the effects produced by firework devices. Fireworks competitions are also regularly held at a number of places. Fireworks take many forms to produce the four primary effects: noise, light, smoke and floating materials (confetti for example.) They may be designed to burn with flames and sparks of many colors, typically red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, , silver and gold. Displays are common throughout the world and are the focal point of many cultural and religious celebrations.
During the summer in Japan, fireworks festivals are held nearly every day someplace in the country, in total numbering more than 200 during August. The festivals consist of large fireworks shows, the largest of which use between 100,000 and 120,000 rounds (PL Art of Fireworks), and can attract more than 800,000 spectators. Street vendors set up s
Shine: Kotoba wo Tsumuide is a dating sim for the PlayStation 2 about a protagonist who decides to chase his dream of becoming a cameraman and flies towards an island in the Okinawa area to learn with his upperclassman cameraman. On the way to the island, the protagonist was given a very hard assignment to complete: taking a picture of six different girls who hate cameras.