The 12th installment of the pachinko simulator series by Sanyo Bussan, a pachinko manufacturer in partnership with Irem Software Engineering. The series features pachinko machines produced by Sanyo Bussan and is known by the abbreviated title "Pachipara," starting from this installment, transitioning from its previous title, "Sanyo Pachinko Paradise."
The featured pachinko machine in this installment is "Daikai Monogatari" (The Tale of the Great Sea). Additionally, the familiar story mode, "Pachipro Fūunroku" (Pachinko Professional Chronicles), is included as the fourth installment titled "Pachipro Fūunroku 4: The Silver Ball Murder Case." The Pachipro Fūunroku series has been included since "Pachipara 8" and is characterized by elements of gal games and oddly serious storytelling (with some absurd game elements) despite being a pachinko game.
While the previous three installments had a top-down view, this installment showcases an expanded potential for the game as it adopts the same game engine as "Ponkotsu R
In Global Folktale animals have captured the land and humans have retreated to a faraway place. But after years of hiding the time for cowardice is over, as the people stand united and decide to fight back to reclaim what's theirs. Led by Allen, Prince of Zodia Kingdom, players gain control of an eight character party to battle their feral foes in a variety of locations and environments.
Unlike most strategy/RPGs, the combat takes place in real-time with 3D polygonal graphics, while each character is supported by a multitude of customization options, weapons, and items.
Keep a stranglehold on your corrupt office by accepting bribes and using those bribes to hire henchmen, pay for protection and buy traps to snare valiant heroes. These do-gooders will eventually come a-knocking and it's your prerogative to obfuscate and outright beat back their attempts at bringing justice upon your head and hide. Setting traps inside the magistrate building also helps to slow down or completely stop some hapless heroes.
Played in a humorous light, Akudaikan features real Japanese actors, comical scenarios, a few ridiculous moments and wacky mini-games certain to elicit laughs from unsuspecting gamers.
Based in the original manga, the player assumes the role of Risa Koizumi as she interacts with other characters. The players choices guide Risa down one of the many available endings.
Learn the intricacies of each variant, develop your strategies and learn to read your opponents. All the complexity of real poker is here, with tips and tutorials to get new players into the game.
A restoration patch for the original US version of Yakuza for PS2.
Changes include Japanese audio (undub), a revised script, and redone graphical elements.
Game ni Nattayo! Dokuro-chan: Kenkou Shindan Daisakusen is an adventure game for PlayStation 2, released on 2005. The game revolves around conversation, with various mini-games along the way. They play mini-games with cherry blossoms, and the results affect the girls' likeability. And once you've cleared the minigame, you can watch bonus CGs of the heroine you've chosen as your game partner.