Oil Tycoon puts you in charge of a large oil company. You are tasked with building various structures in various cities, such as Montreal and New York. Build oil wells, oil purification centers, and other buildings to expand your business, also conduct business deals with transport companies, packaging companies, and rival oil firms.
This game was packaged inside boxes of Cocoa Puffs cereal. The Goal is to guide Sonny through various downhill sports to collect coins and cocoa puffs.
Imagine a place of wonder,where magic and technology hold equal sway, and an adventurer might just as easily wield a flintlock pistol as a flaming sword. A place where great industrial cities house castle keeps and factories, home to Dwarves, Humans, Orcs and Elves alike. A place of ancient runes and steamworks, of magic and machines, of sorcery and science.
Arcanum is the first game to come from the development house Troika Games, LLC, started by former Fallout team members Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, and Jason Anderson. This team takes the depth of gameplay and world-building in role-playing games to entirely new levels of realism and excitement.
Arcanum creates a compelling new world where magic and technology coexist in an uneasy balance. As Arcanum opens, the mechanical age has only recently arrived in this ancient land where Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and other races have learned to survive in the new sprawling industrialized cities. But this radical shift from magic to technology has created a potentiall
Parody of the visual novel ONE ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~
Mizuka and Akane routes are retold with health bar concept, parody and numerous immediate death situations.
Chiyo-chan's Key is heavily based on Solomon's key, a game developed by Tecmo in 1986. The goal is the same: grab the key and reach the goal while avoiding obstacles.
Get a head start with all the essential skills for Preschool and Kindergarten with My Personal Tutor! There's fun and learning from start to finish with My Personal Tutor, the only comprehensive, grade-based solution with TutorAssist learning technology (Professor Presto!). Just like a tutor, this groundbreaking technology identifies your child's specific learning needs and offers instruction where and when it's needed most.
This originally came in four disks for Preschool-First Grade (ages 3-7): Preschool Workshop, Alphabet Playhouse, Reader Railway, and Mathopolis.
Mankind has finally learned how to explore the outer regions of space using wormhole technology, but Man is not alone in the Void. Two other races are also exploring and exploiting the cosmos for its resources and living space: the Mantis, an insect-like race whose technology relies on large numbers of quick fleets, and the Celaerans, beings of energy cursed by their creators to spend their lives in strange, armored canisters. Expand your fleet, explore your universe, and crush your opponents!
Conquest: Frontier Wars features large-scale fleet battles, intelligent fleet admirals who serve under your command as hero units, and pulse-pounding deep space RTS Sci-Fi gameplay! Manage your supply lines while waging war in multiple maps simultaneously. Don’t let your fleets collapse because as the old maxim states: your fleet is your fate.
Two maps: a large Metal/Wood fortress in the mountains and a small end battle arena, featuring some modified Fiends and Shamblers. Conveys a certain DOOM-like atmosphere.
Set in the Mongol invasion of Japan, this expansion pack features additional content, missions and the new playable faction of the Mongols. Historically the Kublai Khan, leader of the Mongols met catastrophic weather on the journey to Japan and so the invasion plan was abandoned before it ever truly began. In this expansion however, the Creative Assembly have re-written this detail in the name of strategy-based gaming. In the Mongol Invasion the invaders successfully land on the shores of Chikuzen. As either the Mongols or the ruling Hojo clan of Japan it is up to you to take Japan in the name of the Khan or repel the invading force and secure your homeland’s freedom.
The Warlord Edition contains the complete Shogun: Total War game, plus two expansion packs: Invasion of the Mongol Horde and Campaigns of the Three Unifiers. These expansion sets include new military units, terrain, buildings, and scenarios.
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown, a revolutionary game designed by Roberta Williams and first released in 1984, epitomizes the classic adventure gaming experience. This game was the first of its kind which allowed the player to interact in an entirely original 2.5D world, and can be credited as the game that started graphic adventure gaming on the PC. Though the original AGI parser-based version is outdated and primitive-looking by today's gaming standards, in 1984 it was revolutionary. King's Quest I was not only groundbreaking, but also history in the making. It was followed by seven sequels bearing the King's Quest title.
In 1990, Sierra released a remake of King's Quest I, taking advantage of newer technology and graphics (using their SCI engine, 16 color EGA graphics, sound card, and mouse support). Unfortunately, this version ended up being a total market failure. As a result, it was highly unlikely that Sierra ever had thoughts of making an even further updated Point-and-Click version of King's Quest I t
Remaster of Fukakutei Sekai no Tantei Shinshi, adding full voice, new scenarios and new CGs.
It also contains the full content of Fukakutei Sekai no Tantei Shinshi as an unlockable after finishing the game to perfection.